

Department : Biochemistry
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Alumnus of JIPMER, Puducherry.

Academic Experience: 16 years at SRM Medical College.

Specialty: Biochemistry

Area of interest: Clinical Biochemistry, Quality management, Endocrinology

Dr.Renuka.P is an academician interested in exploring newer teaching methodologies involving technology driven teaching and learning. She is quick to implement such teaching tools to enable student learning in an engrossing manner. She is also a recognized PhD guide at SRM IST who also reviews articles for journals like Biological trace element research and Cureus.

Educational Qualifications:

Degree Year Name of College & University Registration number with date of registration Name of State Medical council
MBBS 1998 JIPMER, Pondicherry University. 65637
Tamil Nadu Medical Council
MD/MS 2005 JIPMER, Pondicherry University. 65637
Tamil Nadu Medical Council

Details of Teaching experience till date:

Designation Department Institution From To Total
Tutor Biochemistry JIPMER 12.8.2002 11.8.2005 3 Years
Assistant Professor Biochemistry SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 10.2.2006 31.10.2011 5 Years
8 Months
Associate Professor Biochemistry SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 01.11.2011 30.09.2015 3 Years
11 Months
Professor Biochemistry SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 01.10.2015 Till date