About Us
- The Department of General Medicine holds expert and experienced faculty who graduated from prestigious institutes who constantly update themselves and work to achieve the benchmark in the realm of knowledge and teaching.
- If specialties form the cornerstones of medicine, then general medicine provides the fundamental base for the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
- This department works round-the-clock, taking care of around 50,000 outpatients and 10,000 inpatients in the department of general medicine, and brings students in vital medical contact with patients.
- Here students gain sound knowledge of the various systems in use in the hospital for patient monitoring and care. This exposure is supplemented by theoretical sessions with the help of advanced teaching techniques and learning aids that are present in all the lecture halls.
- These facilities are put to good use by the practicing faculty that make up this department. The faculty members, besides practicing medicine, conduct Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs and attend national and international conferences to exchange knowledge on the progress made in different areas of medicine.
- PG Eligibility : Pass In MBBS or its Equivalent Degree recognized by NMC (Canditates completing the CRRI / CRMI on or before 31st March of the Year) NEET PG score as prescribed by NMC.

Our Vision
- The Department of General Medicine sees itself as setting benchmarks in the quality of patient care, training care doctors and physicians to international standards, and being a leader in meaningful, translational research that benefits the community and country

Our Mission
- To provide affordable, quality health care and medical leadership for the community in which it is situated.
- To impart excellent medical education to create a community of caring, ethical, and world-class physicians.
- To encourage research that is relevant and original, thus furthering medical knowledge.
- To contribute to the strength of the institution by developing strong communication across all departments.
- MBBS - 250 students per year
- Clinical class daily from 8.00 am – 11.00 am.
- Early clinical introduction class for 1st-semester students on Saturdays
- Elective posting in diabetology for the 6th semester
- MD - 25 Students per year
- Theory
- Clinical (case presentation and discussion)
- Symposium
- Journal Club
- Group Discussion
- Clinico pathological class
- Viva
- Seminar
- Grand Rounds
- Guest Lectures
- 2 full-time scholars undergoing a Ph.D. program in diabetes and microbiota research under Dr J S Kumar.
- Lecture halls – 1
- Clinical Demo rooms - 9 ( each 50 to 60 sq m )
- Museum – 1
- Library – 1 ( 100.17sq.m )
- Live streaming with WIFI connection available
- Audio-visual equipment available
- Bedside Ultrasonography and Echocardiography
- Flipped classroom - Small group teaching with prior study material
- Simulation-based teaching: Mannequins and computer-assisted learning
- Integrated Teaching - Vertical and Horizontal Teaching for MBBS Students
- Group discussions - Regularly
- Journal clubs and Seminars for PGs - Twice in a week
- Video demonstrations - Journal Club – Discussion
- Mentoring - Group of students assigned for all the faculties
- Feedback and counseling - After every internal assessment test
S.No | Faculty Name | Ongoing Projects |
1 | DR. J.S.Kumar | Evaluation and effectiveness of iron correction on the outcomes of cardiac funtion I n heart failure patients associated with iron deficiency anemia: Randomized control trail. A non-invasive approach for type 2 Diabetes and hypertension risk evaluation in at risk patient (Biotechnology integrated Project ) Comparative Effectiveness of Saroglitazar and Ranolazine in NAFLD in patients with Diabetic Dyslipidemia : RCT |
2 | DR. K.Subramaniyan | Clinical presentation management & In – Hospital outcomes of stroke patients in a teritary care hospital in south India Identification of risk alleles associated with diabtes Kidney disease (DKD) using genotyping approaches. A phase III study to evaluate the safety and pharmacokinetics of methylcobalamin Nasal spray 500mcg( torrent pharmaceuticals) and compare the efficacy of methylcobalamin nasal spray 500mcg(torrent pharmaceuticals) with naso B 12, 500mcg (troikaa pharmaceuticals) The International Polycap Study 3 (TIPS-3): A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial for the evaluation of a Polycap, low dose aspirin and vitamin D supplementation in primary prevention Evaluation and effectiveness of iron correction on the outcomes of cardiac function I n heart failure patients associated with iron deficiency anemia: Randomized control trail. “ Efficiency of Amino Acid Infusion in Improving outcomes in septicaemia patients in ICU settings – A Pilot, Randomized, open label, controlled clinical trial” (self funded) Neuroprotectiveefficay of nebivolol in hypertensive patients with ishemicstroke A pilot randomized control trial. Cardiovascular risk assessment in young adults and its correlation with endothelial dysfunction & vascular senescence (the CRY study) |
3 | DR. S.N.Meenakshi Sundari | Utility Of Corrected QT Interval In Diagnosis Of A Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Utility Of Cardiac Biomarkers As Prognostic Indicators In Covid 19. A Study On Comparison Of Evendo Score And Platelet Count/Splenic Diameter Ratio in predicting esophagealvarices in patients with cirrhosis- a prospective observationsl study. Bioimpedance analysis in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. To Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of HTYR091524 tablet in the Management of Subclinical Hypothyroidism- An Open Label Clinical Study- Principal Investigator. Prevalence of Depression in diabetic and hypertensive patients. Awareness Of Warning Signs And Myths Of Cancer - A Teritary Care Hospital Study. |
4 | DR.T.A.Vidya | Study of Anemia in males and non-pregnant females aged more than 40 years. Study of risk score and awareness scores of offspring of diabetic patients. A study of subclinical thyroid dysfunction in type 2 diabetes. BAP 65 and DECAF scores in predicting outcomes in Acute Exacerbation of COPD: a prospective study. |
5 | DR Ramya SG | A Multicentre Phase III, Double - Blind, Randomized, Placebo – controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of Recombinant BCG VPM1002 in reducing infection incidence and disease severity of SARS –COV – 2/Covid – 19 among high – risk subjects. Study off headache asssociated with Face masks usage among healthcare workers. |
6 | DR. S.Jennie | Predictors of outcome in patients on CPAP forcovid related respiratory failure. A retrospective study Asymptomatic bacteriuria in elderly diabetic female. |
7 | DR. Arun | A randomized, multiple-dose, multicentre, Three- Arm, Parallel study to compare the efficacy and safety of pregabalin ER Tablet of alvogen Malta (Out- Licensing) Ltd. To Placebo and LyricaR(Pregabalin) Hard capsule of pfizer in subjects with peripheral Neuropathic pain. |
8 | DR. Manyam Anandamuni | Hepatic sarcoidosis with Evans syndrome, A Rare Association -APICON 2019. |
9 | DR. Bodda Venkata Sriram | “Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome in late onset Preeclampsia”-APICON 2018. |
S.No | Title | Journal Name | Indexing | Authorship | Year |
Dr. K.T.JAYAKUMAR ( 1) | |||||
1 | Patient knowledge survey in a multispecialty hospital | International journal of community medicine & public health Vol 6 issue 3 | Index copernicus, index medicus, google scholar, J gate | 2nd author | March 2019 |
Dr. J.S.KUMAR (2) | |||||
1 | Study on Glycaemic Control by Canagliflozin and its Effect on Insulin Resistance and Plasma Ketone in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients | Journal of Diabetology | DOAJ | 1st author | 2019 |
2 | Manuscript accepted – Human tongue thermography - prognostic tool for screening Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus | Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Vol. 2020 | Embase DOAJ Scopus | 2nd author | 2020 |
Dr. K.S.SUBRAMANIYAN (2) | |||||
1 | Assessment of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells senescence and Endothelial Dysfunction among adults with high cardiovascular risk | SocieadeBrasileira de cardiologia | Scopus | 8th Author | 2019 |
2 | Polypill with or without aspirin in persons without cardiovascular disease | NEJM | Scopus | One of the investigator SRM | 2020 |
1. | Relationship between Inter-Arm Blood Pressure Difference (IAD) and severity of Coronary Artery Disease. | Annals of Tropical Medicine & Public Health | Scopus | 2nd author | November 2020 |
2. | Pattern of acute kidney injury & its outcome in a tertiary care centre | International journal of Research in medical sciences | Copernicus Medicus DOAJ Index Directory of Science | Corresponding author | February 2020 |
3 | Comparison of Total and Ionic Calcium in Hypothyroidism | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science, thomsonreuters), Index Copernicus Academic Search Complete Database, DOAJ, EBSCO host, Google Scholar, | Second and Corresponding Author | |
4 | Awareness of diabetes & its complications among diabetes patients and their care takers attending the tertiary care hospital in Chennai sub urban area | Journal of evolution of medical & dental sciences | Copernicus Medicus Indian science abstracts WHO hinari journals | 1st author | June,2019 |
5 | Correlation between salivary glucose & blood glucose levels in diabetic & non- diabetic individuals | International journal of advances in Medicine | Index Copernicus, J gate, Google scholar | Corresponding author | July –2019 |
6. | A Study of serum Uric acid levels with Acute Myocardial Infarction and its correlation withKillip’s classification | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences | Scopus | 3rd author | To be published in April 2021 |
Dr. R.NANDA KUMAR (1) | |||||
1 | Frequency Distribution of Spectrum of Clinical Presentations In Hypothyroidism of Both Clinical and Subclinical Cases in SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences | Index Copernicus, ThomsonReuters, global index medicus, BASE, 1st author Google scholar | 1st author | May 2019 |
Dr. K.ARUN(1) | |||||
1 | An unusual presentation of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with vasculitic polyneuropathy | International journal of Scientific Study | Index Medicus | Second author | February 2019 |
Dr. T.A.VIDYA (5) | |||||
1 | Study of renal functions in metabolic syndrome and its correlation with various parameters | International journals of research in medical sciences | Copernicus Medicus DOAJ Index Directory of Science | Corresponding author | March 2020 |
2 | High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein level in cerebrovascular accident | International Journal of Advances in Medicine | Index Copernicus, J gate, Google scholar | Corresponding author | April 2020 |
3 | A Hospital based study of Anaemia in adults | Journal of evidence based medicineand healthcare | DOAJ | Second and Corresponding Author | July 2020 |
4 | BAP 65 and DECAFscores in predicting the outcome in acute exacerberations of COPD | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science, thomsonreuters), Index Copernicus Academic Search Complete Database, DOAJ, EBSCO host, Google Scholar | Second and Corresponding Author | November 2020 |
5 | A study of subclinical thyroid dysfunction in patients with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus | Journal of evidence based medicineand healthcare | DOAJ | Second and Corresponding Author | January 2021 |
Dr. S.JENNIE (1) | |||||
1 | Pattern of acute kidney injury & its outcome in a tertiary care centre | International journal of Research in medical sciences | Copernicus Medicus DOAJ Index Directory of Science | 1st author | February 2020 |
Scope of Services
- Hand Surgery
- Micro Vascular Surgery
- Burns
- Oncoplastic Surgery [ Cancer Reconstruction ]
- 24x7 Trauma care
- Cleft lip, Cleft palate & craniofacial anomaly Surgery
- Lymphedema care
- Complex wound management
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Smile Train Project
- Facio Maxillary Trauma
Achievements and Awards
S.No | Faculty Name | Awards |
1 | Prof. K.T.Jayakumar | The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University Chennai – 600 032. |
2 | Dr.Shravanthi G | Post Graduate student won the gold medal for paper presentation in Tapicon in 2020 |
3 | Dr. Athul Paul | Postgraduate has won the 2nd prize silver medal in Tapicon 2021 paper presentation |
4 | Prof Dr. K.Subramaniyan | MD is an AHA-certified ACLS & BLS trainer; He is also a member of the ethics committee and core member of the Medical Education Unit of SRM MCH & RC. |
5 | DR. Sashi Deep Reddy | Won second prize in ECG quiz in Medclinics conducted by SRMC, Porur. |