Assistant Professor
Department : Radio Diagnosis
Email : mappy49@gmail.com
Detail intro
Educational Qualifications:
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration number with date of registration |
Name of State Medical council |
MBBS | 2014 | SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre SRM Institute of Science & Technology (Formerly SRM University) | 108380 / 07.10.2014 | Tamil Nadu Medical Council |
MD | 2019 | Sri Balaji Medical College Hospital Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Researc | 108380 / 26.11.2019 | Tamil Nadu Medical Council |
Details of Teaching experience till date:
Designation | Department | Institution | From | To | Total |
Senior Resident | Radiology | SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | 29.11.2019 | 06.06.2021 | 1 Year 6 Months |
Assistant Professor | Radiology | SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | 07.06.2021 | Till Date |
Research & Publications :
- Murugan J, Kartheek AV, Selvarajan RM, Anand AV, Muthu S, Jeyaraman M. Diagnostic accuracy of high-resolution ultrasonogram compared to magnetic resonance imaging in rotator cuff tears – A prospective comparative study. Apollo Med 2023;20:12-7.
- S. Sowmiya, U. Snehalatha, and JayanthMurugan Renal Cyst Detection In Abdominal Mri Images Using Deep Learning Segmentation. Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications. https://doi.org/10.4015/S1016237223500229
- Murugan J, Kartheek VA, Selvarajan RM, Anand AV, Muthu S, Jeyaraman M. Diagnostic accuracy of high-resolution ultrasonogram compared to magnetic resonance imaging in rotator cuff tears–A prospective comparative study. Apollo Medicine. 2023 Jan 1;20(1):12-7. Dr. Jayanth – DOAJ
- Murugan J, Chandrasekhar V, Prabakaran M. Ultrasound Evaluation of Kidneys in Chronic Type II Diabetes. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS). Dec, 2018; 6(12): 5031-5036. Dr. Jayanth - Google Scholar, Publons, Research Gate, Crossref, OAJI. https://www.jrmds.in/articles/ultrasound-evaluation-of-kidneys-in-chronic-type-ii-diabetes-78725.html