Dr. Karikal Chakravarthi .R

Dr. Karikal Chakravarthi .R

Assistant Professor
Department : Surgical Gastroenterology

Educational Qualifications:

Degree Year Name of College & University Registration number with
date of registration
Name of State Medical council
MBBS 2004 -2009 Government Tirunelveli Medical College - The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University 90144 date 26.05.2010 The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical Unviersity
Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship : MBBS 2009-2010 Tirunelveli Medical College, G R Medical University, The Tamilmadu Dr. MGR Medical University 90144 The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical Unviersity
MS- General Surgery 2012 - 2014 Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Re- Chandigarh 90144 Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research- Chandigarh
Master of Chirurgiae : Surgical Gastroenterology and Liver Transplantation 2019 - 2022 Institute of SGE and Liver Transplantation 90144 The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical Unviersity

Details of Teaching experience till date:

Designation Department Institution From To Total
Consultant Surgical Gastroenterology Surgical Gastroenterology Ponjesly Superspeciality Hospital, Nagercoil 2023 2024 1 Year
Consultant Surgical Gastroenterology Surgical Gastroenterology Travancore Medicity Medical College Hospital , Kollam 2022 2023 1 Year
Senior Resident Institute of SGE & Liver Transplantation Govt. Stanley Medical College 2019-09 2022-09 3 years
Senior Resident Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Pondicherry 2018-07 2019-08 1 Year
Junior Consultant St. Martha's Hospital, Bangalore 2017-07 2019-03 1year 8 months
Senior Resident ESICMC - PGIMSR, Bangalore 2016-07 2017-03 9 Months
Senior Resident Postgraduate Institute of Medical Science and Research, Chandigarh 2015-01 2016-06 1year 6 months
Research & Publications :
  1. 1.      Chakaravarthi, Karikal & Anbalagan, Amudhan & Satyanesan, Jeswanth. (2022). Diagnosis of metachronous papillary thyroid cancer with elevated carcino-embryonic antigen levels in tracking rectal carcinoma. International Surgery Journal. 9. 1489. 10.18203/2349-2902.isj20221907.
  2. 2.      Kaman, Lileswar & Chakaravarthi, Karikal & Gupta, Ashish & Dahiya, Divya & Singh, Kaptan & Ramavath, Krishna & Behera,, Arunanshu & Kajal, Kamal. (2019). Impact of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery protocol on immediate surgical outcome in elderly patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy. Updates in Surgery.71. 10.1007/s13304-019-00625-4.
  3. 3.      Kaman, Lileswar & Dahiya, Divya & Chakaravarthi, Karikal & Behera, Arunanshu. (2018). Comparisons of outcome in elderly and young patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy with enhanced recovery after surgery protocol. HPB. 20. S603. 10.1016/j.hpb.2018.06.2140.
  4. 4.      Chakaravarthi, Karikal & Gupta, Ashish & Kaman, Lileswar. (2017). Neglected Necrotizing Fasciitis - A Rare Complication of Spinal Anaesthesia. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 11. PD03-PD04. 10.7860/JCDR/2017/26929.10359.
  5. 5.      Gupta, Ashish & Chakaravarthi, Karikal & Kaman, Lileswar. (2017). Spontaneous Rupture of a Choledochal Cyst During Post-Partum: A Rare Presentation. Gastroenterology Research. 10. 128-131.10.14740/gr781w.
  6. 6.      Gupta, Ashish & Chakaravarthi, Karikal & Pattnaik, Bramhadatta & Kaman, Lileswar. (2016). Duplication cyst of ileum presenting as acute intestinal obstruction in an adult. BMJ Case Reports. 2016. bcr2016214775. 10.1136/bcr -2016-214775.
Awards & Acheivements :
  1. Ist Prize - IHPBA - 2021 - Oral Paper Early surgical intervention in pancreatic ascites
  2. 2nd Prize - ASICON 2021 - Poster Rising CEA Level in patient with colo rectal carcinoma : Metachronous Papillary Thyroid cancer
  3. 3rd Prize - ASICON 2021, Poster - Residual Choledochal cyst