Dr.Maitrayee Sen
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department : Obstetrics and Gynecology
Email : maitrays@srmist.edu.in
Qualifications: MBBS, DNB,FICOG , FMAS
Experience: 15 Years
Registration Number: 100241
Area of interest: Infertility,Laparoscopy, High Risk Pregnancy, Gynecological Oncology
Educational Qualifications:
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration number with date of registration |
Name of State Medical council |
MBBS | 2002 | SCB Medical College Cuttack,odisha,utkal University | 100241 25th March 2013 |
Tamilnadu Medical Council |
DNB | 2009 | VIMS ,Kolkata , West Bengal National Board of Examination,new Delhi |
100241 25th March 2013 |
Tamilnadu Medical Council |
FICOG | 2024 | FOGSI | - | - |
FMAS | 2024 | AMASI | - | - |
Details of Teaching experience till date:
Designation | Department | Institution | From | To | Total |
Junior Resident | Obsterics and Gynecology | VIMS Kolkata | 01-07-2006 | 30-06-2009 | 3 Years |
Senior Resident | Obstetrics and Gynecology | VIMS Kolkata,SRM Medical Collegehospital and Research Centre,Tamilnadu | 01-02-2011 16-04-2012 |
31-03-2012 27-07-2015 |
13 Months, 3 Years 3 Months |
Assistant Professor | Obstertrics and Gynecology | SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Tamilnadu | 28-07-2015 | 07-02-2020 | 4 Years 6 Months |
Associate Professor | Obstetrics and Gynecology | SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Tamilnadu | 08-02-2020 | 07-10-2024 | 4 Years 8 Months |
Professor | Obstetrics and Gynecology | SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Tamilnadu | 08-10-2024 | Till Date | - |
Research and Publication:
- A peek into the drug development scenario of endometriosis–A systematic review ,LGoenka,MGeorge,M Sen,Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 90,575-585
- Antifungal resistant in non-albicans candida species are emerging as a threat to antenatal women with vulvovaginal candidiasis KH Das,V Mangayarkarasi,MSen Biomedical andPharmacologyJournal 12 (2), 1369-1378
- Biofilm Production of Candida Species Isolated From Antenatal Women with Vulvovaginal Candidiasis- International Journal of Pharma and Bio SciencesKH Das,VMangayarkarasiMSen IntJPharm BioSci 10 (3), 36-41
- The Utility of Plasma Transthyretin and Antioxidants as aBiomarker of Early Pregnancy Loss - A Pilot StudyM Sen, L Goenka, D Jha, V Raj, S Charles, K Mala, M GeorgeObs Gyne Review: Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology 5 (1), 64-70
- Genotypic Patterns of Secreted Aspartyl Proteinase Gene in Various Candida Species Isolated from Antenatal Women with Vulvovaginal CandidiasisKH Das, V Mangayarkarasi, M SenJ Pure Appl Microbiol,13(2),802-813
- Sen M, Samal S, Datta S, George M. Abnormal cardiotocographic findings and perinatal outcome: a prospective study. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019 Nov 1;8(11):4261-71.
- Sen M, Das KH. Prevalence and resistance pattern of candida isolated from vulvovaginal candidiasis of antenatal women. Int J Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2019;3(6):268-75.
- Diagnostic Hysteroscopy in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A Prospective Analytical studyJ Karthiga Prabhu, S Samal, S Chandrasekaran, M Sen, B Ramra
- Kondamuri SD, Samal S, Sen M. Knowledge of gestational diabetes mellitus among pregnant women in a semiurban hospital-A cross-sectional study. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health. 2021 Oct 1;12:100854.
- Rathinam KK, Abraham JJ, SA S, Sen M, George M. Evaluation of pharmacological interventions in the management of adenomyosis: a systematic review. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 2022 Apr 1:1-5.
- Endometrial stromal tumor in a young nulliparous women mimicking fibroid uterus–A case reportS Samal, K Mathumitha, S Priya, M SenIndian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 10 (2), 211-213
- Ovarian tortion in Postmenopausal women with varied clinical presentations -A case seriesMS J. Karthiga Prabhu, Shanmugapriya ChandrasekharanJournal of the Indian Medical Association' (JIMA), Kolkata 121 (No.11), 40-42
- Thakker K, Mohanapu S, Sen M. A comparative study to assess Hba1c levels in antenatal non diabetic women with anemia and without anemia. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health. 2024 Nov 1;30:101777.
- RAJ P, SAMAL S, CHANDRASEKARAN S, PRABHU K, SEN M. Comparison of Metformin and Myoinositol on Clinical, Hormonal and Metabolic Profile of Patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An Open-label Randomised Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2024 Jan 1;18(1).
- Review of the prevalence and anti- fungal resistance profile of candida causing candiduria in patients with DiabetesJournal of research Administration, 5 (2),13516-13537
- A comparative study of low dose magnesium sulphate therapy with standard Pritchard’s regime in the management of eclampsia S Mohanapu, SK Raveendran, Y Murugaiah, M SenInt J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 5 (9), 2939-43
- Attribute Selection Hybrid Network Model for risk factors analysis of postpartum depression using Social mediaGopalakrishnan, A.Gururajan, R.Venkataraman, Saravanan A.,Sen M.Brain Informatics, 2023, 10(1), 28
- Effects of Far Infrared Radiation and Sitz Bath on Perineal Wound Healing and Pain in Primiparous Women Undergoing an Episiotomy: A Randomized Prospective Parallel Arm Study S Ramesh, S Tripathy, M Sen, D Nandi Cureus 16 (8)
Ongoing Research:
- Comparitive Effectiveness of Vitamin B1 and Vitamin C Combination Versus Placebo in Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhoea - a Randomised Double Blinded Placebo Controlled Study.
- Utility of Fasting Insulin and Homa-ir in Screening Insulin Resistance in Unexplained Early Pregnancy Failure.
- Ai in Cervical Cancer Screening
- Association of Vaginal Microecology ,hpv Infection and Abnormal Pap Smear in Sexually Active Women- a Prospective Observational Study
- Estimation of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and Serum Oestradiol Level and Its Relation With Postmenopausal Symptoms - Observational Study
- Comparitive Effectiveness of Vaginal Sildenafiland Oral Estradiol Valerate on Endometrial Thickening in Infertility Patients - a Rct
Awards and Achievements:
- Awarded FMAS 2024
- Awarded FICOG 2023
- Awarded Dr.D.C Dawn award for best paper award AICOG 2023
- Silver Medal in Paper Presentation in Research Day 2023 at SRMIST,Kattankulathur
- Gold Medal in Paper Presentation in Research Day 2019 at SRMIST,Kattankulathur
- Qualified the nationwide Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by the National Board of Examinations (NBE), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India (2005)
- Awarded the Best Paper Presentation on “Physiology of muscle contraction” by S.C.B Medical College (1998), Orissa
- Awarded the 5-year Merit Scholarship for MBBS studies by the Government of Orissa, India (1997-2003)