Dr.N.Pratheepa Sivasankari

Dr.N.Pratheepa Sivasankari

Department : Anatomy


Dynamic Professor brings many years of experience in academic roles. Motivates students to actively participate in all aspects of educational process. Uses various assessment tools (Game based) and guides students in research activities.

Educational Qualifications:

Degree Year Name of College & University Registration number with
date of registration
Name of State Medical council
MBBS 2002 Tirunelveli Medical College, The TN, Dr. M.G.R MEDICAL UNIVERSITY 72955 02.09.2003 Tamil Nadu Medical Council

Details of Teaching experience till date:

Designation Department Institution From To Total
Tutor Anatomy JIPMER 01.05.2005 31.03.2008 3 years
Assistant Professor SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 19.09.2008 05.01.2009 3 months
Assistant Professor Chennai medical college 06.01.2009 30.08.2009 8 months
Assistant Professor SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 01.09.2009 18.09.2013 4 years
Associate Professor SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 19.09.2013 03.05.2019 5 years 8 months
Professor SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 04.05.2019 Till date 5 years 10 months
Research & Publications :
  1. 1. Role of Caricinogens in oral cancer: A micronucleus study, International Journal of Anatomy and Research 2015, Vol 3 (4): 1721-25, ISSN – 1321 – 4287
  2. 2. Cadaveric anatomy in relation with clinical anatomy – A new vision, MOJ Anatomy & Physiology, Volume 2, Issue 5 – 2016
  3. 3. Micronucleus assay in urothelial cells in cancer cervix, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Mar, Vol-11(3): XC01-XC03
  4. 4. Metanuclear abnormalities in oral premalignant and malignant lesions, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Nov – Dec -2016, 7(5) Page No. 1603 – 1608
  5. 5. Micronucleus assay in formalin exposed individuals, Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology
  6. 6. Metanuclear abnormalities in formalin exposed individuals, J.Evolution Med.Dent. Sci, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 6/ Issue 82/ Oct. 12, 2017
  7. 7. MicronucleusAssay inUrothelial Cells in Cancer Cervix. Journal ofclinical and diagnostic research. January-March, 2018;5(1);81-84
  8. 8. N. Pratheepa Sivasankari1, S. Sundarapandian, E Sakthivel, Formalin induced nuclear abnormalities in relation with duration of exposure: a study of formalin exposed anatomists, attenders and students, International journal of Anatomy and Research.June 2019; 7 (2,3):6616 -20
  10. 10. Determination of sex by using Mastoid process with Discriminant Analysis, International Medical Journal
  11. 11. Effectiveness of Game‑Based Learning: A Cross‑Sectional Study on Phase 1 Medical Students, National Journal of Clinical Anatomy
  12. 12. Unveiling Challenges in Cadaveric Dissection for Medical Education, European journal of clinical and Experimental medicine, 22(1), 102 - 106
  13. 13. DIETARY HABITS OF DENTAL STUDENTS ON ACRYLAMIDE RICH FOOD: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY, African journal of Biological sciences, 6(13), 1380-1389
  14. 14. Murali punniyakodi,SundarapandianSubramanian, Pratheepa sivasankari, Effect of thymectomy on the female reproductive cycle in prepubertal and pubertal female guinea pigs, International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11, 1155-1161, 2020
  15. 15. MICRONUCLEUS ASSAY - SCREENING TOOL IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF ORAL CARCINOMA IN TOBACCO USERS, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 3(4):(B),646 -6512012
  16. 16. Can Pelvimetric variations be a Hidden Etiology for Inguinal Hernia? - A Case Control Study. Afr.J.Bio.Sc.6(14)11509-11517, 2024
  17. 17. Cadaveric Anatomy in Relation with Clinical Anatomy- A New Vision, MOJ Physiol, 2(5)00062, 2016
Awards & Acheivements :
  1. 1. International best researcher award,ISSN INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AWARDS AND CONGRESS 2024