Professor & HOD
Department : Pathology
Email : drkalaivap@srmist.edu.in
Coordinator and mentor for second year MBBS students, Quiz master and organizer (UG &PG)- National and international conferences
Educational Qualifications:
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration number with date of registration |
Name of State Medical council |
MBBS | 2004 | Coimbatore Medical College | 74755 - 16.06.2004 | Tamilnadu medical council |
MD | 2008 | JIPMER, Pondicherry University | 74755 - 05.12.2008 | Tamilnadu medical council |
Details of Teaching experience till date:
Designation | Department | Institution | From | To | Total |
Senior resident | Pathology | JIPMER | 12.04.2008 | 09.07.2008 | 3 months |
Assistant professor | Pathology | SRM Medical college Hospital &RC | 16.07.2008 | 15.07.2013 | 5 years |
Associate Professor | Pathology | SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre | 16/07/2013 | 2019-03-05 00:00:00 | 5 Years 9 months |
Professor | Pathology | SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre | 2019-04-05 00:00:00 | 26.02.2025 | 5 years 10 months |
Head of the department | Pathology | SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre | 27.02.2025 | till date | 2 weeks |
Research & Publications :
- Abbirami rajarajan, Kalaivani amitKumar, Muthu Sudalaimuthu Profile of her2/neu expression in surface epithelial ovarian tumours: a clinicomorphological study ; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Feb, Vol-17(2): EC40-EC45
- R DP, Arunachalam S, Amitkumar K, John JJ, Sudalaimuthu M. An Immunohistochemical Study on Ki-67 Expression in Squamous Cell Carcinomas of Cervix With Clinicopathological Correlation. Cureus. 2023 Jan 24;15(1):e34155. doi: 10.7759/cureus.34155. PMID: 36843724; PMCID: PMC9949686.
- Kalaivani amitKumar, abbiramirajarajan, r bhuvanamhadevi, Sowmyadayalan, muthuSudalaimuthu,Pilocytic Astrocytoma Arising in Ovarian Mature Cystic Teratoma: An Unusual Neuroectodermal Malignant Transformation Occurring in Pregnant Female; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Jan, Vol-17(1): ED04-ED06
- Vadivazhagan K, Amitkumar K, Sudalaimuthu M. Quantitative Analysis of Mucin Expression Using Combined Alcian Blue-Periodic Acid Schiff (AB-PAS) Stain and Combined High Iron Diamine-Alcian Blue (HID-AB) Stain and the Correlation With Histomorphological Score in Chronic Calculous Cholecystitis. Cureus. 2022 Nov 29;14(11):e32033. doi: 10.7759/cureus.32033. PMID: 36600870; PMCID: PMC9801067.
- Gyanchandani DNL, Kalaivani DP, Shivashekar DG, Ramraj DB. Vadivazhagan K, Amitkumar K, Sudalaimuthu M. Quantitative Analysis of Mucin Expression Using Combined Alcian Blue-Periodic Acid Schiff (AB-PAS) Stain and Combined High Iron Diamine-Alcian Blue (HID-AB) Stain and the Correlation With Histomorphological Score in Chronic Calculous Cholecystitis. Cureus. 2022 Nov 29;14(11):e32033. doi: 10.7759/cureus.32033. PMID: 36600870; PMCID: PMC9801067.
- Kalaivani AK, Padma R, Bhoopathy P, SundaresanS,Valluru V. A comparative analysis of demographic and aetiological features in young and old patients of buccal mucosa cancer. Trop J PatholMicrobiol. 2019;5 (5): 325-330.
- ArunaGeethanjali, KalaivaniAmitkumar, C D. Anand, ShivashekarGanapathy, A study of Histopathological Analysis of Endometrium in abnormal uterine bleeding in a tertiary care centre, Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice,January 2019, 199-204
- Amitkumar PK, Swaminathan A, Priya GG, Ganapathy S. A comparative analysis of relationship between hypothyroidism and platelet parameters including platelet indices, platelet distribution width, plateletcrit and P-LCR. Ann Pathol Lab Med [Internet]. 2018;2(12):A996-1001.
- Ramasamy Padma, AmitkumarKalaivani, SathishPaulraj and Sivapatham Sundaresan ;Buccal Mucosa Carcinoma: A Comparative Relative Risk Analysis between Tobacco and NonTobacco Users, J ClinDiagn Res. 2017 Jun; 11(6): LC06–LC09.
- Ramasamy Padma, AmitkumarKalaivani, SivapathamSundaresan, PaulrajSathish, The relationship between histological differentiation and disease recurrence of primary oral squamous cell carcinoma, Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology: 2017Â /Â Vol: 21/3/ p 461
- Padma Ramasamy*, KalaivaniAmitkumar**, SundaresanSivapatham*
- Evaluation of Prognostic Factors in 198Buccal Mucosa Cancer Patients: Univariate and Multivariate Analysis, Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice
- Volume 6, Issue 4 (Part-2), Oct-Dec 2017, Pages 1061-1066 Â
- KalaivaniAmitkumar,Bhuvanamhadevi R, Anandhalakshmi, Saranyababu;Expression of PCNA in breast carcinoma and its association with Ki67 and tumor grade, Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Vol. 04, No. 01, January - February, 2017
- KalaivaniAmitkumar, Anandalakshmi, ShivasekarGanapathy, SaravananAyyavoo, Assessment of the predictive value of platelet parameters in Gestational diabetes mellitus: A comparative Institutional study, Indian Journal of Pathology Research and Practice Volume 6, Issue 2 (Part-1), April - June 2017, Pages 288-293
- Jesupandian, KalaivaniAmitkumar, Anandalakshmi, Assessment of impact of hemodialysis on hematological parameters among patients with Chronic kidney disease, Comparative clinical pathology, 26, pages 213–218 (2017)
Awards & Acheivements :
- Advance course in MEDICAL EDUCATION (ACME), MCI nodal centre, Porur- awarded 2015 November
- Faculty Development Workshop in MCI nodal center 4th- 6th June 2013
- Revised Faculty Development Workshop in MCI nodal center 2 to 4th September 2015
- AETCOM Module in SRMC, MCI nodal center, Porur, 1st September 2015
- Curriculum implementation support program training (CISP), March 29 to April 3 2019- SRMC, MCI nodal center, Porur
- Curriculum implementation support program training (CISP II), July 22,23 – 2020
- Revised Basic Course and AETCOM, SRM MCH RC /SRMC & RI, 2ndto 4th Aug 2021
- Tamil Nadu Medical Council – Research Methodology for First Year Post-graduates, SRM MCH & RC 4th, 5th Sep 2018
- Workshop on Research Methodology, SRM MCH& RC, 3rd& 4th Dec 2019
- Workshop on Research Methodology, SRM MCH& RC, 29th 30th Nov 2017
- Workshop of Research Methodology, SRM MCH& RC, 26th, 27th July 2011
- Workshop of Research Methodology, SRM MCH& RC, 8th& 9th Aug’2016
- National Online Conference- Online (Challenges in Implementation of CBME- SRMCH RC, SRM MCH & RC, 6th& 7th Nov 2021
- Curriculum Implementation Support Program II SRMCH &RC (Online), SRM MCH & RC, 20th & 21st Oct 2021
- Curriculum Implementation Support Program I SRMCH& RC(Online) observed by MCI observer, SRM MCH & RC, 29.01.2021 &30-01-2021
- Various Workshops on modern teaching methods PG and UG – 6 workshops, SRM MCH & RC, 2016 to 2018 Foundation course speaker – Self-directed learning, SRM MCH & RC, 2019, 2020, 2021