Professor and Head of Department
Department : Anatomy
Email : sundaras2@srmist.edu.in
I completed by under graduation (MBBS) at Thanjavur Medical College in 1989 and post-graduation (MS- Anatomy) in 1993 at the same medical college. I competed my PhD in biotechnology and micro anatomy at SRM IST. I have total 27 years of teaching experience. I had handled theory as well as practical classes for all medical and allied health sciences undergraduates and postgraduates. activities.
Educational Qualifications:
Degree | Year | Name of College & University | Registration number with date of registration |
Name of State Medical council |
MBBS | 1989 | Thanjavur Medical College, Bharathidasan university- Trichy | 46545 23.12.1989 | Tamil Nadu Medical Council |
MS | 1993 | Thanjavur Medical College, TN Dr.M.G.R Medical University | 46545 27.01.2003 | |
PhD | 2022 | SRM Medical College/SRMIST |
Details of Teaching experience till date:
Designation | Department | Institution | From | To | Total |
Tutor | Anatomy | Thanjavur Medical College | 30.08.1990 | 31.08.1993 | 3 years |
Assistant Professor | Perundurai Medical College | 18.01.1996 | 17.12.2001 | 5 year 11 months | |
Associate Professor | Amrita Institute of Medical Science | 11.02.2002 | 20.07.2004 | 2 year 5 months | |
Professor | SRM Medical College Hospital & Research | 01.08.2006 | Till date | 18 Years 6 months |
Research & Publications :
- 1. Incidence of Posterior condylar canal in Anatomical Adjuncts- Journal of the Association of Anatomists Tamil nadu. (Co-author)
- 2. Concurrent Anomaly of Right renal vein & Testicular Vein - Malaysian journal of medicine & health sciences Vol.2 (1) Jan.2006, 81-83 (Co-author) N.Jayaseelan, S.Sundarapandian
- 3. Role Of Orthopantomogram In Assessing The Impacted Third Molar And Its Proximity To Inferior Alveolar Nerve, SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences 3(2):p 114-119, Apr–Jun 2012. Kumar, S Saravana1; Pravindevaprasad, A2,; Sundarapandian, S1
- 4. Tricipital Origin of Biceps Brachii, Anatomical Karnataka, Vol-6, (2) Page 71-74 (2012).
- 5.Anatomy of Amorphic Branching pattern of brachial artery and its Clinical complications- A cadaveric study, International Journal of anatomical sciences, 2012, 3(1): 23-25,
- 6. Agenesis of Isthmus of Thyroid Gland – A cadaveric study, International Journal of anatomical sciences, 2012, 3(1): 12-13.
- 7. Morphometric study of human placenta in preeclampsia associated with intrauterine growth retardation. (2012) International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 3 (3), pp. B471-B475. Cited 3 times G. Priya, K. Bhavina, S. Sundarapandian
- 8. Anatomical Study of Variations in the Blood Supply of Kidneys, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2013,Aug, Volume 7 issue (8) 1555-1557 Sharmila Aristotle, Sundarapandian, and Christilda Felicia
- 9. A Study on Morphology of Placenta and Umbilical cord in Hypertensive Pregnancy with and without Proteinuria, International Journal of Biomedical Research 2013, 04(01). Bhavina K*, Sundara Pandian S, Priya G
- 10. Accessory iliacus muscle with splitting of the femoral nerve a case report – OA Case report, A Case Reports 2013 Jul 12;2(6):56 S Aristotle*, S Sundarapandian, C Felicia
- 11. The Number of HOFBAUER Cells Increases in Preeclamptic Placenta : an Immunohistochemical Study, Indian Journal of Applied Research Volume : 4 | Issue : 4 | Apr 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X * G.Priya J.Radhika Krishnan S.Sundarapandian
- 12. Preliminary phytochemical screening of different solvent extracts of Root tuber of Smilax china, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Science Archive 2 (7) 2014: 01-05 Saravanakumar S, Christilda Felicia, Sundarapandian.S S , Sathiyanaryanamurthy
- 13. HPTLC Fingerprint Profile of Root Tuber Of Smilax china, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, Vol. No.3, Issue No.9, September 2014. Saravanakumar S , Christilda Felicia , Sundarapandian S ,Sathiyanaryamurthy S
- 14. Effect of Smilax china on Mercuric Chloride Induced Histopathological Alterations in Testis of Male Albinorats , International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 2014; 6(4): 97-101. SaravanaKumar S, Christilda Felicia, Sundarapandian S,
- 15. Phytochemical Screening of Methanol Extract of Root Tuber of Smilax China International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2014-15; 6(4):963-966. Saravanakumar S, Christilda Felicia, Sundarapandian.S
- 16. Preliminary phytochemical screening and spectroscopic analysis of Ormocarpum sennoides DC, International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (3), 216-220 Bhuvaneshwari Srinivasan, Radhika Krishnan, Sundarapandian
- 17. Hepatoprotective activity of Muso sapientum Fruit peel (MSPE) against Streptozotocin – induced Toxicity in rats , Int J Pharm 5 (1),pp165-169,2015 S. Sathiya Narayana Murthy*1, Christilda Felicia Jebakani1, S. Sundara pandian1, S. Ponmozhi.2
- 18. Hepatoprotective and antidiabetic effect of Aqueous extract of cynodon dactylon in stertozotocin induced diabetic rate – Histological study, International journal of pharma bio science, 2015 jan 6 (1) B PP 627-635 Madhankumar S J*, Christilda Felicia Jebakani and Sundarapandian
- 19. VEGF and eNOS expression in Umbilical cord from pregnancy complicated by hypertensive disorder with different severity, BioMed Research International Volume 2014, Article ID 982159, 6 pages K. Bhavina, J. Radhika, and S. Sundara Pandian
- 20. HPTLC Fingerprint Profile of Ormocarpum Sennoides Leaves, IJARSE, Vol. No.3, Issue No.9, September 2014 Bhuvaneswari Srinivasan, Radhika Krishnan, Sundarapandian.S
- 21. Protective Effect of Ionidium Suffruticosum on Spermatotoxicity Induced By Ethanol in Experimental Rats, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 2015 July; 6(3): (P) 279 – 289 M.Shanmugasundaram1*, Christilda Felicia Jabakani1, S.Sundarapandian1 and D. Balakrishnan
- 22.Histological and biochemical study on hypoglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of aqueous extract of Cynodon dactylon in sterptozotocin – induced diabetic rats, International journal of phytomedicine 7 (2015) 23-33 Madhankumar S J*, Sundarapandian and Christilda Felicia Jebakani
- 23. Role of Caricinogens in Oral Cancer: A Micronucleus Int J Anat Res 2015, Vol 3(4):1721-25. ISSN 1321- 4287 Pratheepa Sivasankari. N *, Ms. Anjana , Sundarapandian S .
- 24. The effect of Ormocarpum sennoides DC on bone histomorphometry in steroid induced osteoporotic rats, International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (3),216-220, ISSN: 0975- 7538 Bhuvaneswari Srinivasan, Radhika Krishnan, Sundarapandian.S
- 25. Levator Glandulae Thyroideae, A Fibromusculoglandular Band With Pyramidal Lobe: A Case Report, International Education & Research Journal [IERJ], E-ISSN No : 2454-9916 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 6 | June 2016 J. Radhika Krishnan | G. Priya | S. Sundarapandian
- 26. The Relative Anatomical Position of Greater Palatine Foramen With Reference To Intraoral Landmarks in Southindian Population – International Journal of Anatomy and Research, International Journal of Anatomy and Research, 2016, Vol 4(1):1912-15. ISSN 2321-4287 P. Murali *, S. Sundarapandian , Madhan Kumar S.J
- 27. Osteogenesis Imperfecta – A Case Report - International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume: 4 | Issue : 8 | Aug 2015 • ISSN No 2277 – 8179 J. Radhika Krishnan , G.Priya, S. Sundarapandian
- 28. Biometric Study of Anterior Border of Hipbone and Its Application for Sex Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, September-October 2016 RJPBCS 7(5) Page No. 2850 – 2854 V Nithya*, S Sundarapandian, and P Murali
- 29. Unusual Variation of the Veins of the Head and Neck: External Jugular Vein and Facial Vein, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, September – October 2016 RJPBCS 7(5) Page No. 2510 – 2513 P Murali*, and S Sundarapandian
- 30. Neurovascular Foramina of the Human Clavicle and their Clinical Significance, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, September – October 2016 RJPBCS 7(6) page No.2634 – 2640 G Sowmiya*, S Sundarapandian, and V Nithya.
- 31. Cadaveric Anatomy in Relation with Clinical Anatomy- A New Vision, Med Crave MOJ Anatomy & Physiology, Volume 2 Issue 5 - 2016 July 05, 2016 Pratheepa Sivasankari N, Suresh Kumar, S Sundarapandian S, Kaur S
- 32. A comparative study of dermatoglyphic markers in schizophrenia patients and normal controls, International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2017 Jun;5(6):2558-2562 Ashma A. Latiff, Sundarapandian S., Arul Saravanan R
- 33. A Cadaveric Study of Anatomical Variations in the Arterial Supply of Vermiform Appendix, International Journal of Anatomy and Research, Vol 5(2.1):3777-79. ISSN 2321-4287 K.Sudha *, S.Sundarapandian , V.Muniappan
- 34. Luminal silicone casts of human and sheep brain ventricular system as teaching tools in anatomy, International Journal of Medical Science and Education, July –Sep- 2017;4(3):236-240 Dr. K.A.Ashma*, Dr. S.Sundarapandian, Dr. S.Manisha Raaj
- 35. Metanuclear abnormalities in formalin – Exposed individuals, J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN – 2278 – 4802, pISSN- 2278 – 4748/Vol.6/Issue 82/ Oct.12,2017 Pratheepa Sivasankari Natarajan, Sundarapandian S, Sakthivel
- 36. Micronucleus assay in formalin exposed individuals, J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 6/ Issue 82/ Oct. 12, 2017 N. Pratheepa Sivasankari,*, S. Sundarapandian, E Sakthivel
- 37. Micronucleus assay in formalin exposed individuals, Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, January – March, 2018; 5(1);81-84 Suresh Kumar Sundararajan, Pratheepa Sivasankari Natarajan , Kanchana
- 38. Morphology and Morphometric analysis of right and left coronary arteries in human cadaveric hearts, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology FASEB), April 2018/Vol 31/Issue S1/p. 585-585.5 S.Vinnarasie, S Sundarapandian
- 39. Morphologic and morphometric analysis of glenoid cavity of human scapula, International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, January 2019 | Vol 7 | Issue 1 Manisha S. Raaj*, Christilda Felicia, Sundarapandian S., Ashma K. A.
- 40. A case–control study of fingerprint patterns of both hands in persons with and without schizophrenia, International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 2019/Vol8/Issue 10 Ashma K A Latiff1, Arul Saravanan Ramachandran2, Sundarapandian S1
- 41. Formalin Induced Nuclear Abnormalities In Relation With Duration of Exposure: A Study of Formalin Exposed Anatomists, Attenders And Students. International Journal of Anatomy and Research, Int J Anat Res 2019, Vol 7(2.3):6616-20. ISSN 2321-4287 Pratheepa sivasankari Natarajan *, Sundarapandian Subramanian , Sakthivel Elayaperumal
- 42. Poly-ε-caprolactone/gelatin hybrid electrospun composite nanofibrous mats containing ultrasound assisted herbal extract: Antimicrobial and cell proliferation study. Nanomaterials, 9(3), p.462. (Impact Factor: 5.07) 2019 Sundarapandian Subramanian
- 43. Anatomical Basics and Variations of the Scapula in South Indian Population, Int J Anat Res 2020, Vol 8(2.2):7519-25. ISSN 2321-4287 V.Nithya *, P. Murali , S. Sundarapandian.
- 44.Anatomical and Radiological study of the posterior cranial base in relationship to occipital condyles and Foramen magnum, Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11(3), 3528-3532 Sharmila Aristotle, Balaji Ramraj, Shantanu Patil, Sundarapandian Subramanian1
- 45. Effect of Solvent on the Phytochemical Extraction and GC-MS Analysis of Gymnemasylvestre, Pharmacogn J. 2020; 12(4): 749-761 Sundarapandian Subramanian1, Mohammed Junaid Hussain Dowlath1, Sathish Kumar Karuppannan1, Saravanan M2, Kantha Devi Arunachalam
- 46., Effect of thymectomy on the female reproductive cycle in Prepubertal and pubertal female guinea pigs, Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci., 2020, 11 (4): 1155-1161 Murali Punniakotti*, Sundarapandian Subramanian, Pratheepa Sivasankari
- 47. Effect of Solvents on Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Cardiospermum halicacabum (L.) Extracts. Pharmacognosy Journal, 12(6). 2020 Mohammed Junaid Hussain Dowlath, Sathish Kumar Karuppannan, Darul Raiyaan GI, Mohamed Khalith SB, Sundarapandian Subramanian and Kantha Deivi Arunachalam
- 48. Phytochemical and Antibacterial Activity of Cardiospermum halicacabum Against Wound Pathogens, Pharmacogn J. 2020; 12(6): 1303-1310 Sathish Kumar Karuppannan, Mohammed Junaid Hussain Dowlath, Mohamed Khalith S B, Darul Raiyaan G I,Sundarapandian Subramanian, Kantha Deivi Arunachalam
- 49. Effect of Gamma Sterilization on Gymnemasylvestre leaf extract fused polycaprolactonenanofiber for effective wound dressing applications, Materials Letters Volume 300, 1 May’2021, 130145 Sundarapandian Subramanian Sathish Kumar Karuppannan Raghavendra Ramalingam Mohammed Junaid Hussain Dowlath Mohamed KhalithS.B. ShaziaAnjumMusthafaV.ChitraGaneshMunuswamy-RamanujamKanthaDeiviArunachalam,
- 50. Effectiveness of flipped classroom model in teaching histology for first-year MBBS students based on competency-based blended learning: An interventional study, Journal of Education and Health promotion, 2021; 10 :152 Sharmila Aristotle, Sundarapandian Subramanian, Saikarthik Jayakumar
- 51. Determination of sex by using Mastoid process with Discriminant Analysis. International Medical Journal. August 2021; 28 (08) Sundarapandian S, Saravana Kumar S, Pratheepa Siva Sankari N
- 52. Nephroprotective effect of smilax china against mercuric chloride intoxication in albino rats – Histological study, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 4 ¦ 2022 Saravana Kumar1, Gnanavel A 2,Lalitha R 3, Sundarpandian S4 , Christilda Felicia Jebakani
- 53. Anatomical variations of peroneus tertius and its clinical implications: case report with systematic literature review, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy Dr. Sundarapandian Dr. Chandhramuki Dr. Ashma A
- 54., Effectiveness of Game Based Learning: A Cross Sectional Study on Phase 1 Medical Students, National Journal of Clinical Anatomy ¦ Volume 12 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ April-June 2023 Pratheepa Sivasankari Natarajan, Sundarapandian Subramanian, Kalaivani Amitkumar, Anissa Joseph, Nithya Venugopal
- 55. An Immunohistochemical evaluation of SFLT-1 in syncytial knots of human Preeclamptic Placenta, Quaderns journal, VOLUME 11 ISSUE 5, 2023 Priya.G1, Radhika Krishnan.J2, Sundarapandian.S3 ,
- 56., Blended Mode of Teaching - learning/Blended Learning (BL): NEP 2020 Historical Compulsions, and Emergence of BL as new normal, Journal of Northeastern University volume 26 issue 04,2023 Dr.S.Sundarapandian
- 57. Morphometric Study of Humerus in Southern Indian Population, Dutse Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (DUJOPAS), Vol. 9 No. 4a December 2023 Isyaku Ibrahim*, Sundranpandia M, Saleh Nuhu, Ayuba Yuhana, Lawan Hassan Adamu
- 58. Unveiling challenges in cadaveric dissection for medical education – a study of student perspectives | European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 2024; 22 (1): 102–106
Awards & Acheivements :
- 1. Global faculty Award April 2021 – AKS Education awards
- 2. Mahatma Gandhi Leadership Award, NRI Welfare Society of India In Association with Indian Solidarity Council on 20th May 2019.
- 3. LIFE TIME EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – International Institute of Education & Management at New Delhi 2015.
- 4. Global Achievers Foundation, Bharat Vidya Gaurav Puraskar – Individual Contribution for National Economic & Social Development at Goa – Jan 2016
- 6. DR.M.M.Cooper Best paper Award received for the paper entitled “Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.”
- 7. DR.M.M.Cooper Best paper Award received for the paper entitled “Dilated Coronary sinus with persistent left superior venacava” 2006