

Department : Ophthalmology

Registration No: 66667

Mobile: +91-9486898380

email: vchellappa@gmail.com                                                

Career aspiration

A fulfilling ambience where I can serve to my best potential to the organization and in the process nurture myself skills in the medical field.


M.B., B.S – 1994-2000 Chengalpattu Medical College, The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University, India  

Post graduate diploma in Ophthalmology -2002- 2004 Regional Institute of Ophthalmology, India

M.S (ophthalmology) - 2011-2013 Madurai Medical College, India

License to practice:

  • Unrestricted licensure to practise medicine in India - register number: 66667  

Current Position:

Professor in SRM Medical College and Hospital


  • Outpatient and Inpatient care.
  • Ophthalmic emergency and elective surgical procedures.
  • Ophthalmic laser procedures and investigative procedures.
  • Rural eye camps for cataract screening including camp surgeries as a part of district blindness control programme.
  • Tutoring medical and Post Graduate students about clinical diseases in Ophthalmology
  • Teaching surgical procedures to Post Graduate students
  • Coordinating  the eye camp team.
  • Participation in refractive error screening camps in schools as a part of district blindness contral programme.
  • Participating and co-ordinating continuing medical education programmes in our department and college.


 Ophthalmic skills:

Conventional Extra capsular cataract extraction and Small incision cataract surgeries approx more than 10000 nos.

  • Had underwent  PHACO-EMULSIFICATION  training IN 2012 at MN EYE hospitals, Chennai.  
  • Had underwent short term hands on training in LASIK  and PRK  at Centre for sight, Vadodara under Dr. Rupal Shah.
  • Underwent RELOAD training at ARAVIND EYE HOSITALS , Chennai on managing anterior vitrectomies, iris hooks and other difficult situations.  
  • Performing  Phaco-emulsification with foldable IOLs and modern IOLs  and MICS .
  • Performing secondary IOL procedures like Scleral Fixated IOLs
  • Glaucoma surgical methods like TRABECULECTOMY and laser iridotomies.
  • oculoplasty procedures including dermoid and cyst removals, entropion repairs and dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) with and without intubation
  • ocular and orbital trauma cases including Repair of corneal and scleral perforations with or without ruptured lens, lid and adnexal trauma, chemical burns with emergency and late management: 
  • laser procedures including YAG peripheral iridotomy and posterior capsulotomy, grid laser and pan retinal photocoagulations.
  • Intra vitreal injections                      
  • participated in surgical camps in various rural regions around kanchipuram.
  • conducted cataract screening camps in and around Chennai and 



  • Relation of Systemic Blood Pressure and its effect in IntraOcular pressure – International Journal of Scientific Study /March 2017/vol 4/ issue 12 
  • Comparative study of Incidence of Posterior capsular Opacification between PMMA and Hydrophobic Acrylic IOL implantation in senile Cataracts- Journal Of Medical science and clinical research/vol 6/issue 8/august 2018/page 578-80
  • Comparative study of axial length measurement by B Scan and A scan biometry in IOL power calculation. Medpulse international Journal of Ophthalmology. March 2019:9(3):57-59.
  • Retrospective analysis of orbital mucormycosis in post covid patients in Melmaruvathur.

International journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research 2022; 14(6) ; 528-537

  • Surgically induced astigmatism in manual small incision cataract surgery: A comparative study between straight, frown and inverted V shape (chevron) incision.

International journal of toxicological and pharmacological research 2022 ; 12(6) :109-114.

“RD-OCT net: hybrid learning system for automated diagnosis of macular diseases from OCT retinal images”


    • May 2000 – MBBS, Chengalpattu Medical College, India                                              
    • May 2000- April 2002: Medical Officer in casualty and emergency care, Lakshmi Hopitals, Chennai, India               
  • May 2002- April 2004: Post Graduate Diploma (Ophthalmology) Regional institute of ophthalmology, Chennai, India.
  • May 2004- Nov 2004: General ophthalmic  practitioner and part time on call consultant in Ophthalmology, Subiksha nursing home, Chennai.
  • November 2004 - 2011: Clinical tutor/ senior resident in ophthalmology , Meenakshi Medical College Hospital and research institute, Kanchipuram, India  
  • April 2011 - April 2013: Post Graduate degree- in M.S (ophthalmology) at Madurai Medical college, India.
  • Sep 2013 - Oct 2014  :Assistant Professor in Ophthalmology , Tagore Medical College Hospitals, Chennai.
  • Oct 2014 - Nov 27, 2018 : Assistant Professor in Ophthalmology at Meenakshi Medical college and hospitals, India.
  • Feb 2, 2019 - Mar 27, 2019 : Assistant professor in ophthalmology at MAPIMS Medical college, India. 
  • From Mar 28, 2019 to 30th June 2022  as Associate Professor in Ophthalmology at  MAPIMS Medical college, India. 
  • From 1St July 2022 to Feb 2023 working as Professor in ophthalmology at MAPIMS, India.