Dr.Sangeetha Raja

Dr.Sangeetha Raja

Department : Pharmacology

Educational Qualifications:

Degree Year Name of College & University Registration number with
date of registration
Name of State Medical council
MBBS 1998 Madras Medical College , Chennai 600003 62301
Tamil Nadu Medical Council

Details of Teaching experience till date:

Designation Department Institution From To Total
Blood Bank Medical Officer Dept of Transfusion Medicine SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 26.03.2009 30.05.2011 2 years 2 months
Post Graduation Dept of Pharmacology SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 31.05.2011 31.05.2014 3 years
Tutor Dept of Pharmacology SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 04.09.2014 05.01.2016 1 year 4 months
Assistant Professor Dept of Pharmacology SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 06.01.2016 14.02.2020 4 years
Associate Professor Dept of Pharmacology SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 15.02.2020 05.04.2023 3 years 2 months
Professor Dept of Pharmacology SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre 06.04.2023 Till date
Research & Publications :
  1. Arunkumar Subramanian, Rajamohamed Haitharali, Nirenjen S, Tamilanban T, Sivaraman Dhansekaran, Sabariakilesh Gnanasekaran, Mohankumar Manavalan, Sangeetha Raja, Carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: A Case Report with Review of the Literature, Current Drug Safety; Volume 20, Issue , Year 2025, e15748863328893.DOI: 10.2174/0115748863328893241018101435
  2. Raja S, Shobana N, Jamuna Rani R. A cross-sectional assessment of the prescription pattern of drugs in rural areas of South India. AFJBS. 2024;6(15):120-132. doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.15.2024.120-132.
  3. N Shobana, V Rashmi Rithusha, S Raja, R Jamuna Rani. Cross-Sectional Survey on Pharmacogenomics Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions Among Medical and Pharmacy Students. Afr J Biomed Res. 2024 Oct;27(3s):3806-3816.
  4. Raja S, Balasubramanian G, Jamuna Rani R. Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among privatemedical college students in South India: A cross-sectional study. J Edu Health Promot 2022;11:
  5. Raja S, Mohapatra S, Ramu T, Rani J. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Towards Disposal of Unused and Expired Medications: an Assessment Among Patients. Biomed Pharmacol J 2022;15(3).
  6. N.Rishabh Bokadia, Sangeetha Raja, Jamuna Rani, Sushmitha Rishabh, Sonia Suresh Daga. A Descriptive Analysis of Adverse Drug Reactions Among Hospitalized Patients in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital inIndia. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Volume 13 : Special Issue 5 2022.( PG Thesis)
  7. Sangeetha Raja , Kasthuri Natarajan, Jamuna Rani R. Evaluation and comparison of expired and extantmetformin drug by method validation using UV-VIS spectrophotometry. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, January 2021, 12 (1), 857-862
  8. Raja S, Mohapatra S, Kalaiselvi A, Rani R. J. Awareness and Disposal Practices of Unused and Expired Medication Among Health Care Professionals and Students in A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. Biomed Pharmacol J 2018;11(4).
  9. Raja, Sangeetha & RANI, JAMUNA & Mohapatra, Satyajit & Devaraj, Alwin. (2017). Effect of Vetiveria zizanioides on experimentally induced dyslipidemia. International Journal of pharma and Bio Sciences. 8. 10.22376/ijpbs.2017.8.4.b351-359.
  10. Raja, S., J. R. R, and K. P. “Pattern of adverse drug reactions in a tertiary care teaching hospital: A cross-sectional study”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 10, no. 3, Mar. 2017, pp. 170-3, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2017.v10i3.15972
  11. Raja S, Satyajit Mohapatra, J.S Kumar, and R Jamuna Rani, “Prescription pattern of hypolipidemic drugs in a tertiary care teaching hospital of South India”, Journal of clinical and diagnostic research, ISSN No.0937-709 Volume 8 (4) 2014 Apr 15.
Awards & Acheivements :
  1. First Prize - Paper Presentation "52nd Annual Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society 2023" held at Mysuru on Feb 2023
  2. First prize,Paper presentation in 14th Annual Conference/CME of ISRPT held on 11th &12th November 2022 Organized NIMS, Department of Pharmacology ESIC Medical College & Hospital Hyderabad
  3. Secured Silver Medal for Research day Paper presentation conducted by SRM University For Research Day Celebration 2018
  4. Awarded Gold Medal for securing University Rank in MD pharmacology Apr 2015
  5. Second Prize for poster competition for “WORLD AIDS DAY” 03.12.2012.
  6. For best oral presentation at “Vinbasix-National conference on basic medical sciences” for the study on “Bombay Blood Group” held at Vinayaka Missions Medical college, Salem on 13th& 14th April 2012.