

Department : Respiratory Medicine
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Registration No: 72969

  • Name: Dr.Subramanian. S
  • Designation: Professor
  • Phone Number: 044 - 47432398
  • Email ID: subramas1@srmist.edu.in
  • Area or Subject: Respiratory Medicine
  •  Affiliation: Department of Respiratory Medicine , SRM Institute of Science and Technology


A Post graduate in Respiratory Medicine worked in teaching institutions for more than a decade. He works at his best in a demanding and challenging role, and have the necessary skills and experiences to train both Undergraduate (M.B.B.S) and post graduate students (M.D) of Respiratory Medicine. He has been a primary investigator of clinical research works and also guided the post graduate students in conducting clinical research work. He also has excellent communication skills towards students and patients under his management also

Educational Details: 

  • Degree –M.D (Respiratory Medicine)
  • Area or Subject Respiratory medicine 
  • Awarded Year – Doctor of Medicine, Rajasthan University of Health Sciences , 2008

Work Experience:

  • 2005–2008 - Resident (Respiratory Medicine) in SMS medical college.
  • 30.06.2008 - 30.06.2013– Assistant professor - Chettinad Hospital and Research institute.
  • 01.07.2013 - 30.06.2016 –Associate Professor - Chettinad Hospital and Research institute
  • 01.07.2016 - 30. 3.2017– Professor - Chettinad Hospital and Research institute
  • 03.04.2017 - till date - Professor SRM Institute of Science and Technology


Original Articles:

  1. Subramanian S., Ragulan R., Apar Jindal, Viswambhar.V; “The study of efficacy, tolerability and safety of Theophylline given along with formoterol plus budesonide in COPD” Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.2015 Feb, Vol-9(2): OC10-OC13.
  2. Ragulan R., Subramanian S., Arun Babu, Surendra Menon; “A comparative study of Clinico-radiological profile of pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetic and non diabetic adults”. “International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences” Volume 6, Issue 1, 2015 (January-March) 1341 – 1348.
  3. Arun Babu, Subramanian.S, Meenakshi.N, Ragulan R, Viswambhar V, Apar Jindal “Comparison of Clinico-Radiological Profile of New Smear Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Cases among Young Adult And Elderly People” – International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2015, 1003-1005.
  4. Apar Jindal, Subramanian S, Meenakshi N, Ragulan R, Viswambhar V, Arun Babu V. Correlation of peripheral eosinophilia with severity of nasobronchial allergy. International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2015, 1865-1868.
  5. Viswambhar.V, Sowjanya.B, Meenakshi.N, Aruna Shanmuganathan, Subramanian. Gram Positive Bacterial Pathogens in Acute Exacerbation of COPD and Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of These Organisms. Indian journal of Applied Research Volume: 6, issue: 4, April 2016 .738-740.
  6. Javid Abdullah .J, Subramanian .S, Meenakshi .N, Aruna Shanmuganathan, Abubacker Sulaiman .F. Clinico Radiological Profile of Pulmonary Thromboembolism in a Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Science and Research Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016.1013-15.
  7. Apar Jindal, Subramanian Suriyan, Suresh Sagadevan, Meenakshi Narasimhan, Aruna Shanmuganathan, Dr.Viswambhar Vallabhaneni, Dr.Ragulan Rajalingam. Comparison of intranasal Fluticasone propionate with oral Montelukast in control of allergic rhinitis in patients of Nasobronchial allergy. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research .Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2016, OC 06 - OC10.
  8. S.A. Krithika, N. Nalini Jayanthi, S. Subramanian. Awareness of tuberculosis among nurses. IAIM, 2018; 5(4): 153-160.
  9. Rabeeh Parambil, Subramanian Suriyan, Nalini Jayanthi Nagesh et al. A Study of Correlation Of Body Mass Index And Peak Expiratory Flow Rate With FEV1 In Patients Of COPD. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci/ Vol. 8/ Issue 20/ May 20, 2019.
  10. Ram Phanindra Talatam, Subramanian Suriyan, Nalini Jayanthi Nagesh et al. Comparison of Stop Bang Questionnaire and Epworth Sleepiness Scale for Screening of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. J Evolution Med Dent Sci / eISSN - 2278-4802, pISSN - 2278-4748 / Vol. 9 / Issue 37 / Sept. 14, 2020
  11. Seema S, Nalini Jayanthi Nagesh, Subramanian Suriyan et al. Correlation of Six Minute Walk Test and Lung Function Test Variables  in Patients with Connective Tissue Disorder - Interstitial Lung Disease. J Evolution Med Dent Sci / eISSN - 2278-4802, pISSN - 2278-4748 / Vol. 9 / Issue 37 / Sept. 14, 2020. 
  12. Yanamadala Rowhit, Subramanian Suriyan, Nagesh Nalini Jayanthi et al. A Study of Correlation between Asthma Control Test and Lung Function Parameters. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research 2021 Feb; 15(2):22-25. 
  13. Pugazhendhi selvam, Subramanian Suriyan , Rowhit Yanamadala et al. Factors Predicting the Outcome of Noninvasive Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Failure Secondary to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Jun, Vol-15(6): OC12-OC15.

Case Reports:

  1. Subramanian.S, Ragulan R, Natraj.M, Meenakshi.N and Viswambhar. V.2015. Co-Existence of Scleroderma and Pulmonary Tuberculosis”. Scholars journal of Medical Case Reports.3 (1):22-24.
  2. Subramanian S, Apar Jindal, Abu backer Sulaiman and Meenakshi N. 2015. Pulmonary Sequestration – Rare Findings. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 6(1):1134 – 1139.
  3.  Subramanian Suriyan, Radhika Sharma, Meenakshi Narasimhan, Aruna Shanmuganathan, Adhithyan Rajendran. A Case of Pleuroparenchymal Metastasis: Rare Aetiology. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Apr, Vol-10(4): OD03-OD05.
  4. Siva Ashish Mallam, Rajalakshmi Rajagopalan, Subramanian Suriyan, Nalini Jayanthi Nagesh. Beware of Masqueraders atypical presentation of bronchogenic carcinoma. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 
  5. Dr .Y.Rowhit,Dr N N Nalini Jayanthi, Dr.S.Subramanian, A case series of mediastinal masses. Annals of tropical medicine and public health. 2020

Review Article

  1. . Subramanian S and Apar Jindal. 2012. Overlap Syndrome – the Coexistence of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Chettinad Health City Medical Journal; 1(3): 120-123.

Research Works completed recently: (guide for  below thesis projects).


  •  Dr. Rowhit yanamadala, Dr.Subramanian.S, Dr. Nalini Jayanthi.  A Randomised controlled study on effect of oral magnesium supplements in control of symptoms of bronchial asthma and lung function parameters.
  •  Dr.Pugazhendhi.S, Dr.Subramanian S, Dr. Nalini Jayanthi.  A comparative study of conventional ST mode with AVAPS ST Mode in non-invasive ventilatory management of COPD. 

Languages spoken:


Achievements and Awards:  

Memberships: Member of Indian Chest Society

Member of European Respiratory Society

Member of Association of Pulmonologists, Tamilnadu