Ms.Praveena J
Associate Professor
Department : Audiology and Speech-language Pathology
Name: Ms. Praveena J
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: MASLP
Experience: 10 Years 8 Months
Specialty: Audiology and Speech Language Pathology
Area of Interest: Central Auditory Processing Disorders, Electrophysiology, Psychoacoustics, and Aural rehabilitation for children and adults.
Achievements and Awards:
- Patent filed for ‘Sevithiran application’ prototype development. November 2023.
- ‘Innovative Sustainable Technology Award’ for prototype presentation of project title ‘Aural Rehabilitation for Children in Tamil’ at International Conference on Higher Education Challenges Solutions for Sustainable Development. September 2023
- Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEEE), for project titled ‘Aural Rehabilitation for Children in Tamil’. August 2023.
- Sevithiran application’ prototype development from NewGen IEDC- DST - SRM Innovation Centre. Intramural (completed December 2022).
- ‘Best paper’ award for paper titled “Efficacy of Tinnitus Retraining Program in relation to the Severity of Tinnitus”, AUDI-CON Manipal. November 2023.
- ‘Best paper award’ for paper titled “Multidimensional approach for Differential Diagnosis and Intervention of Central Auditory Processing Disorder” FLASH series VII Holy Cross College Tiruchi. November 2023
- ‘Silver Medal’ under faculty scientific presentation category at Research Day for paper titled “Automated Dichotic Double Word Test in Children with Learning Disability” 5th March 2023.
- Best paper award’ for paper titled “Binaural Interaction Component Assessment in children with Learning disability” FLASH series VII Holy Cross College Tiruchi. November 2022.
- ‘Best paper’ award for paper titles ‘Binaural Interaction Component Assessment using Binaural Fusion test in Tamil’ at Dr. Paarivendhar Research Colloquium. March 2022
- Reviewer in Current Pediatrics Journal.
- Best Poster’ award for paper titled “Optimum Response of Air-Conduction Induced Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential in Drivers”, FLASH series II- 2018.
- ‘Best paper’ award for paper titled ‘Does Origin of Acoustic Tumour Correlate with Myogenic Potential and ABR – A single case study’ Oral presentation at ‘Tamil Nadu Chapter of Indian Speech and Hearing Association (TAN-ISHACON)’. October 2015.