Ms.Santhoshi R
Clinical Supervisor Grade I
Department : Audiology and Speech-language Pathology
Name: Ms. Santhoshi. R
Designation: Clinical Supervisor Grade I
Qualification: M. ASLP
Experience: 2 Years
Area of Interest: Implantable
Achievements and Awards:
- Rajapuraskar Award winner from the honourable Governor of Tamil Nadu in the year 2012 for the service towards mankind.
- Best Poster prestation and awarded FIRST PRIZE done at Facilitative learning on advancement in speech& gearing (Flash series 2) March 2018 on topic of “Change in fundamental frequency of children using cochlear implant and typically developing children”.
- ii. Best Oral presentation and awarded FIRST PRIZE done on Facilitative Learning on Advancement in Speech& Hearing (Flash Series 3) National Conference on Assessment Protocol for Voice Disorders: Integrated Theory and clinical practices hearing’. on topic of ‘Comparative study on a acoustic analysis of voice in children using ABI, CI and normal
- iii. Best oral presentation and awarded THIRD PRIZE on topic of ‘voice characteristics of client with severe dysarthria due to extrapontine demyelination: A single case study’ on Facilitative Learning on Advancement in Speech& Hearing (Flash Series 3) National Conference on Assessment Protocol for Voice Disorders: Integrated Theory and clinical practices