Puja Celebration at SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre
SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre celebrated the bliss of Puja with filled spirit and enthusiasm, along with the unity that the positive energy of the occasion brings, which was evident from the atmosphere at the Institution.
Traditionally, to mark the onset of the festive season and symbolize unity on the campus, the SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre recently had a Puja Celebration. The Corporates Day featured the active participation of Dr. Nitin M Nagarkar, Pro Vice-Chancellor (in-charge) & Dean (Medical), Directors, students, faculty members, and other teaching and non-teaching staff of various departments, making the event energetic and joyful.
The celebration was lively, such as this one has brought the narrative of the SRM campus back to mended spirits, a set of shared values and goals of the SRM family. Apart from the celebration being an appreciation of culture, it was also a way of cementing the togetherness of the members of SRM Medical College.