World Suicide Prevention Day 2024 at SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre
The Department of Psychiatry, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, highlighted the theme “Changing the Narrative on Suicide with the Call to Action: Start the Conversation” and observed World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September 2024.
The group activities for the day commenced with the display of posters and charts in the hospital lobby by the students, which were posters with information about suicide signs in themselves and the ways to seek help from a professional. The English and Tamil awareness pamphlets were distributed all over the SRM hospital area.
In his inauguration speech, Lt. Col. Dr. A. Ravi Kumar, Pro Vice-Chancellor (MHS), SRMMCHRC, emphasized that there is a dire need to be active regarding mental illness. The special address was given by Dr. T. Mythili, Additional Registrar, SRMIST, who discussed a serious note concerning institutional support for mental health raising awareness.
Dr. Maikandaan, MMCRI, Chennai – Professor, Head of the Department of Psychiatry, delivered the keynote addresses, where he engaged and encouraged the audience through the lecture on suicide prevention and suggestions on how communities can help prevent such tragedies.
The event engaged a wider audience with the knowledge and helped them improve their mental well-being.