About Us
- The Department of Dermatology, venereology & leprosy was established in 2004. It was started as a single-man, single-room department with Dr. V. Venugopal Reddy as the only faculty. Has grown by leaps and bounds in terms of faculty strength, patient influx, and facilities available.
- The department presently has 5 full-time faculties, 9opd rooms, a Diagnostics side lab, two wards with 40 beds, two Demonstration rooms and an air-conditioned Seminar hall with AV aids, a Library, a museum, well-equipped with recent Dermatosurgery and cosmetic equipment, and individual office rooms for each faculty.
- There are special clinics for conditions like Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Bullous disorders, Pigment disorders, Autoimmune disorders, Leprosy, and Sexually transmitted diseases. We offer a range of Dermatosurgery, Cosmetology, and LASER procedures for various dermatological conditions.
- The department caters to teaching and training of Undergraduates (MBBS)-250 students per year, Postgraduates (MD Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy)-4 students per year. Our department undertakes training of Undergraduates and Postgraduates in various aspects of DVL, by implementing standard as well as innovative teaching methods. We have got Cosmetology fellowship program(1 year full-time course) in our department.
- PG Eligibility : Pass In MBBS or its Equivalent Degree recognized by NMC (Canditates completing the CRRI / CRMI on or before 31st March of the Year) NEET PG score as prescribed by NMC.

Our Vision
- To become a center of excellence in the field of dermatology offering Postgraduate courses advanced fellowships and Research programs

Our Mission
- To deliver outstanding services in the field of Clinical and aesthetic dermatology with Human care, high ethical values, and personalized attention
- MBBS-250 students per year
- (MD Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy)-4 students per year, NMC recognized.
- Competency- based learning – Our lecture classes and clinical postings for under-graduates have now been scheduled based on the competency-based curriculum.
Dermatology UG curriculum.docx
Dermatology PG curriculum.pdf
- Development of Standard Operating Protocols(SOPs) for Dermato-surgical procedures.
- Implementation of newer teaching methods like Problem-based learning(PBLs) and flipped classroom methods for UG and PG teaching.
- Competency-based learning – Our lecture classes and clinical postings for undergraduates have now been scheduled based on the competency-based curriculum.
- Preparation for NEET PG – We are incorporating MCQ discussions at the end of our lectures, focussing on the NEET PG exam.
- Skill training – Post-graduate students are trained in various side labs and dermatological/ LASER procedures under the supervision of faculty.
- Research guidance – All postgraduate students are guided by senior faculty to take up scientifically relevant Thesis projects and additional research studies.
- Hands-on Training in Dermatosurgery
- Hands-on Training in Cosmetic procedures
(A)Department Library
- Books-Central-260
- Department-111
- Journals – International (3)
- National (4)
- E-journals- 16
- Six Computers with Internet access
(B)Other Learning resources in the department
S.No | Faculty Name | Ongoing Project | Completed Project | Collaborative&Inter Disciplinary Projects |
1 | Dr.Ramachandran R - Associate Professor | Prospective comparative study of efficacy and safety of 1% Luliconazole cream, a combination of 1% Luliconazole cream and 1% CiclopiroxOlamine cream and combination of 1% Luliconazole cream and 0.25% Amorolfine cream in the treatment of tineacorporis/cruris | - | - |
2 | Dr. PriyaCinna T Durai - Assistant Professor | ChronicSpontaneousUrticaria:Potentialbiomarkers and its correlation with clinical parameters- A cross sectional study | - | - |
3 | Dr. Muthubharathi S - Senior Resident | Prospective study on various dermatoses in pregnancy | - | - |
4 | Dr. Murali Narasimhan | Double Blinded Randomized Multicentric Parallel Group Active Controlled Clinical Trial Comparing the Efficacy of Mupirocin Ointment of Apex Laboratories PVT. LTD with Mupirocin Ointment (T-BACT) of GSK, in the Treatment of Superficial Primary Bacterial Skin Infections. | - | - |
S.No | PG Name | TITLE | Ongoing Project/ Completed Project |
1 | Dr.N.Jegadish | Prospective study of clinical and microbiological profile of balanoposthitis among men attending STD OPD in a tertiary care teaching hospital | Completed |
2 | Dr.S.Dhivya | The efficacy of Methotrexate versus Methotrexate plus Atorvastatin in the treatment of chronic plaque type psoriasis – A Randomized Control Trial | Completed |
3 | Dr.Abhishek Kumar | Efficacy and safety of topical phenylalanine versus topical steroid(MometasoneFuroate) in patient with focal Vitiligo- A Randomized controlled study | Completed |
4 | Dr.KuttiSaiSwetha | Intralesionaltranexamic acid versus flucinolone based triple combination in melasma – A randomized single blind controlled clinical trial | Completed |
5 | Dr.Nivethitha AC | Descriptive Study on the pattern of vulval lesions of female genitalia at a tertiary care teaching hospital | Completed |
6 | Dr.DeviSangeetha | A Prospective comparative study of efficacy of topical luliconazolevs topical fenticonazole in treatment of naive cases of tinea corporis and cruris in a tertiary care centre | Completed |
7 | Dr.Preethi M | An Open label study on the safety and efficacy of 308nm excimer laser system in the treatment of alopecia areata | Completed |
8 | Dr.A.Gayathri | Descriptive Study on Dermoscopic findings of common pigmented lesions on the face in patients attending skinopd in a tertiary care teaching hospital | Completed |
9 | Dr. Arun Vignesh | Descriptive Study on Dermatoses in Construction Workers in the field Practice area of SRM | Completed |
10 | Dr. MayankLagoo | Prospective, comparative open label non placebo study of combined Microneedling with platelet-rich plasma versus ablative fractional CO2 laser with platelet-rich Plasma in atrophic acne scars | Completed |
11 | Dr. Valarmathi | Descriptive Study on Clinical, Mycological &Dermoscopic follow up of Dermatophytosis on Topical &Systemic Antifungal Treatment | Completed |
12 | Dr. Nithila C | Efficacy and Safety of 308nm Excimer Laser Versus Oral Vitamin D3 and Polypodium Leucotomos Extract in Patients with Non-Segmental Vitiligo | Completed |
13 | Dr.Deepthi .R | A Prospective Comparative study of efficacy and safety of Topical 0.05% Tretinoin cream vs combination of Canthex and Topical 0.05% Tretinoin cream in the treatment of Acanthosis Nigricans | Completed |
14 | Dr.P.PonSaranya | Descriptive Study on Oral Manifestations of Dermatologic Disorders | Completed |
15 | Dr.B.Sneha | A Prospective Randomized study of safety and efficacy of Bilastine updosing (40mg) vs combination of Bilastine 20mg with Levocetrizine 5mg in the treatment of chronic spontaneous Urticaria | Completed |
16 | Dr.VarriDivyaSree | Efficacy and safety of 12% Ferulic acid peel versus 50% Glycolic acid peel in the treatment of melasma:A Comparative Study . | Completed |
S.No | Faculty Development Programs(Generic Programs) |
1 | BLS, ACLS, Competency based curriculum, |
2 | MCQ designing |
3 | Code blue training |
4 | Waste management training |
5 | Disaster management training, |
6 | Fire outbreak training(code red), |
7 | Medical education workshop conducted by PARTNERS MEDICAL INTERNATIONAL. |
8 | Basic course in Bio-medical Research |
9 | Dept. Specific Programs |
10 | Dermatosurgery workshop |
1 | February (12.2.2020) | Update on Leprosy- CME | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute, Chengalpattu |
SPEAKER Dr.Vijay Bhagat, HOD Epidemiology CLTRI Dr.Murali Narasimhan, Prof & HOD, Dept of Dermatology Dr.Veerakumaran, Chief Medical Officer CLTRI |
2 | JULY (25.7.20) | WEBINAR - Role of PRP in the management of AGA | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
SPEAKER Dr. Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
3 | AUGUST ( 14.8.20) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital/ SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
SPEAKER Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
4 | AUGUST ( 27.8.20) | WEBINAR- Psoriasis Scientific Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
SPEAKER Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
5 | SEPTEMBER (6.9.20) | CME- Novel drug delivery approach in the management of plaque psoriasis | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
SPEAKER Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
6 | SEPTEMBER (11.9.20) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
SPEAKERS Dr. Gayathri (PG) Dr. Devi Sangeetha(PG) MODERATORS Dr. Ramachandran Associate Professor Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai Senior Resident |
7 | SEPTEMBER(17.9.20) | CME- Antihistamine-Dazit 10mg | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | SPEAKERS Dr.Kiran Godse Professor,Dr.D.Y. Patil Medical College and Hospital, Mumbai Dr.MukeshGiridhar Consultant Dermatologist, New Delhi |
8 | SEPTEMBER (25.9.20) | CME- Antihistamine- Bilastine | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
SPEAKER Dr. Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
9 | OCTOBER (9.10.20) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital/SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
Dr.Preethi Muthu(PG) MODERATOR: Dr.Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
10 | OCTOBER (29.10.2020) | Webinar: Management of Psoriasis on Psoriasis day | Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology/ SRM MCH & RC | SPEAKERS Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai (Senior Resident), Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. S. Muthubharathi (Senior Resident) Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre MODERATOR Dr. Ramachandran (Associate Professor), Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
11 | NOVEMBER (12.11.2020) | Panel Discussion Forum- Psoriasis | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital | PANELISTS Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
12 | NOVEMBER (20.11.2020) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
SPEAKER Dr.Arun(PG) MODERATOR Dr. Ramachandran (Associate Professor),Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
13 | DECEMBER (11.12.2020) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital | SPEAKER Dr.Nithela(PG) MODERATOR Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai (Assitant Professor), Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
14 | JANUARY (08.1.2021) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
MODERATOR: Dr.Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
15 | JANUARY (23.01.2021) | Online CME (Psychosomatic skin disorders) |
Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre/CARE Foundation/Annamalai University |
SPEAKER Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
16 | JANUARY (25.01.2021) | CME (Acne in PCOD) | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
SPEAKER Dr.Sandeep Sharma AIIMS, New Delhi MODERATOR Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
17 | FEBRUARY (12.2.2021) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
SPEAKER Dr.Arun(PG) MODERATOR: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr.Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
18 | MARCH (12.3.2021) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
19 | APRIL (9.4.2021) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
20 | MAY (12.5.2021) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
21 | MAY (27.5.2021) | CME- Latest advancement in the anti- bacterial therapy | Alkem laboratories/Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
22 | JUNE (11.6.2021) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
23 | JUNE (24.6.2021) | WEBINAR- Career Prospects and Advancements in Dermatology | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
SPEAKER Dr. A.J.S Pravin Professor and Head of Department of DVL, Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, TN Ex Professor Madras and Kanyakumari Medical College, Past President of IADVL PANELIST Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre MODERATOR Dr.Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre ALUMNI PANELIST Dr. Harini Navin Consultant Dermatologist and Cosmetologist Chennai |
24 | JULY (8.7.2021) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet (Award Paper presentation) | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre /Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre SPEAKER Dr.Arun(PG) |
25 | JULY (22.7.2021) | Inter Departmental Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Department of Pediatrics SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
SPEAKER Dr. Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre PANELIST Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Subash. S, Professor and Head of Department of Paediatrics, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
26 | AUGUST (12.08.2021) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet (Award Paper presentation) | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
27 | SEPTEMBER (8.09.2021) | Vittartha PG- Challenging Cases in Dermatology- Webinar | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Dr. Reddy’s |
CHIEF GUEST: Dr. A. Sundaram Dean, SRMMedical College Hospital and Research Centre MODERATOR: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre PANELIST: Dr. Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai Assistant Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre SPEAKERS: Dr. Valarmathi S (PG) DR. Arun Vignesh T (PG) Dr. Mayank Lagoo (PG) Dr. Nithila C (PG) Dr. VarriDivya Sree (PG) |
28 | SEPTEMBER (9.09.2021) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre MODERATOR: Dr. Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre SPEAKER: Dr. VarriDivya Sree (PG) |
29 | SEPTEMBER (26.9.2021) | Webinar (Urticaria advanced symposium- The in-clinic relevance of Bilastine up-dosing) |
Dermakem/ Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
REGIONAL MODERATOR: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
30 | OCTOBER (17.10.2021) | WEBINAR (Use of Cyclosporine in Dermatology) |
Biocon Biologics/Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
SPEAKER and MODERATOR: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
31 | NOVEMBER (25.11.2021) | Panel Discussion Forum on Acne | Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital & Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
32 | JANUARY (13.01.2022) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
MODERATOR: Dr. Ramachandran Associate Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre SPEAKER: Dr. Deepthi (PG) |
33 | MARCH (10.03.2022) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
34 | MARCH (21.03.2022) | CME- Secukinumab in Psoriasis and Psoriatic arthritis | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Novartis |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. P. Rajendran Professor and Head of Department of Rheumatology, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre SPEAKER Dr. Ramachandran Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
35 | MARCH (24.03.2022) | Intercollege Dermatosis Case Study Clinics | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & GSK |
SPEAKER: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre PANELIST: Dr. Ramachandran R Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai Assistant Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
36 | MAY (12.05.2022) | Dermatologists’ Inter College Meet | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre MODERATOR Dr. Ramachandran Professor Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre SPEAKER: Dr. Varri Divya Sree (PG) |
37 | MAY (24.5.2022) | CME- Introduction to a newer antibiotic- Ozenoxacin cream 1% | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Sun Pharma |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre SPEAKER: Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai (Assistant Professor), Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
38 | MAY (30.5.2022) | Holistic Approach in the management of Dermatophytosis | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & GSK |
PANELIST and SPEAKER: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
39 | JUNE (14.6.2022) | CME - Critical issues in acne management and Acne treatment controversies | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Galderma |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre SPEAKER: Dr. Ramachandran Professor Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
40 | AUGUST (2.8.2022) | CME - CME Updosing of bilastine in chronic urticaria | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Galderma |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
41 | AUGUST (23.8.2022) | Dermatosis Case Study Clinics (Case discussion)- Atopic Dermatitis | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & GSK |
PANELIST: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre SPEAKER: Dr. Ramachandran Professor Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai (Assistant Professor), Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
42 | September (21.9.2022) | CME (Webinar) – Master class on Bacterial skin infections | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & GSK |
SPEAKER: Dr. A. Selvam, Consultant Dermatologist, ALKN Skin and Laser Centre, Tirunelveli MODERATOR: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
43 | October (21.10.2022) | Expert Consensus Statement - CME (OnlineWebinar) – Role of cyclosporine in Immuno- Dermatological conditions | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Biocon Biologicals |
SPEAKER: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
44 | November (21.11.2022) | Clinical use of CERAMIDE- BASED MOISTURIZER in dry skin management - CME | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Alembic |
SPEAKER: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre PANELIST: Dr. Ramachandran Professor Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai (Assistant Professor), Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. S. Muthubharathi (Senior Resident) Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
45 | November (22.11.2022) | Newer antibiotic- Ozenoxacin cream 1% - CME | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Sun Pharma |
SPEAKER: Dr. Murali. Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre PANELIST: Dr. Ramachandran Professor Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai (Assistant Professor), Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. C. Abirami (Senior Resident) Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
46 | November (24.11.22) | Dermatosis Case Study Clinics (Case discussion)-Secondary Bacterial Infections | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & GSK |
SPEAKER: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre PANELIST: Dr. Ramachandran Professor Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. C. Abirami (Senior Resident) Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. S. Muthubharathi (Senior Resident) Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
47 | November (30.11.2022) | CME- Panel discussion on Minocycline in acne | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre & Sun Pharma |
SPEAKER: Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre PANELIST: Dr. Ramachandran Professor Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai (Assistant Professor), Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. S. Muthubharathi (Senior Resident) Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
48 | January (30.1.2023) | World Leprosy Day- Pledge, Slogan competitions and Poster presentations | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
- |
49 | February (2.2.2023) | World Leprosy Day- Signature Campaign | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | - |
50 | February (7.2.2023) | World Leprosy Day- UG Leprosy Quiz | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | - |
51 | February (9.2.2023) | World Leprosy Day- PG Leprosy Quiz | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | - |
52 | February (14.2.2023) | World Leprosy Day- CME- Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of Leprosy | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | SPEAKER: Dr. PVS. Prasad, Former HOD, Medical Superintendent and Dean, Rajah Muthiah medical college and Hospital, Annamalai University |
53 | May (29.5.2023) | Dermatosis Case Study Clinics (Case discussion)-SLE |
Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre and GSK |
SPEAKER Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
54 | JUNE (22.6.2023) | Dermatosis Case Study Clinics (Case discussion)-Pustular Psoriasis | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre and GSK |
SPEAKER Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
55 | JULY (13.7.2023) | Dermatosis Case Study Clinics (Case discussion)- Acne Vulgaris | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | SPEAKER Dr. Ramachandran. R Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
56 | SEPTEMBER (21.9.2023) | DCS- Psoriatic Arthritis | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre And GSK |
SPEAKER Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
57 | November (16.11.2023) | Tofacitinib- CME | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre And SunPharma |
SPEAKER Dr.Rishana Final year PG, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre MODERATOR Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
58 | November (21.11.2023) | Crisaborole-CME | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre And SunPharma |
SPEAKER Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
59 | November (23.11.2023) | DCS- Contact Dermatitis | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre And GSK |
PANELIST Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Ramachandran. R Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre - |
60 | Feburary (27.2.2024) | Shingrix Vaccine- CME | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre And GSK |
SPEAKER Dr. Ramachandran. R Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre – MODERATOR Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
61 | March (16.3.2024) | Skillhance procedural workshop | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre And Ajantha |
Speaker: Dr. Ramachandran Professor Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Priya Cinna T Durai (Assistant Professor),Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
62 | March (21.3.2024) | DCS | Department of Dermatology SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre And GSK |
SPEAKER Dr. Ramachandran. R Professor, Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre – MODERATOR Dr. Murali. N Professor and Head of Department of DVL, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre |
S.No | Title of paper | Author name | Authorship | Journal name | Month and year of publication | Publisher Name | Indexing agency (Scopus/Web of sciences) | Other indexing agency |
1 | A comparative trial between the therapeutic efficacy of topical 2% sertaconazole cream and 1% terbinafine cream in the treatment of tinea cruris/tinea corporis | Sumyuktha J, Murali Narasimhan*, Parveen Basher Ahamed | Corresponding and 2nd Author, 3rd Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Mar-17 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
2 | Cutaneous manifestations in chronic renal failure patients on hemodialysis and medical management | Senthil Asokan, Murali Narasimhan*, Rajagopalan V. | Corresponding and 2nd Author, 3rd Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Mar-17 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
3 | Efficacy and safety of 70% glycolic acid versus Q Switched Nd:YAG laser in the treatment of melasma: a comparative study | Divya K. G.*, Murali Narasimhan, RajagopalanV, Parveen B. | 2nd Author, 3rd Author, 4th Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Mar-17 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
4 | Comparative study of percutaneous collagen induction therapy and dermabrasion on post acne scars | Nithya Priyadharshini S, Geetha K* | 1st Author, Corresponding and 2nd Author | Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology | April to June 2017 | IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd. | Index Copernicus, J-Gate, Google scholar, Academia.edu, CrossRef, ROAD | |
5 | Profile of sexually transmitted infections among males in a South Indian suburban tertiary care teaching hospital- a one year retrospective study | Ramachandran Ramakrishnan, Murali Narasimhan*, Soosai Donald Fernandes | 1st Author, Corresponding and 2nd Author, 3rd Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Jun-17 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
6 | Clinico mycological study of tinea capitis | Geetha K, Nithya Priyadharshini S* | 1st Author, Corresponding and 2nd Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Sep-17 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
2018 | ||||||||
1 | Cefotaxime induced generalized bullous fixed drug eruption - A case report | R. Manikandan, A. Porselvi, G.C. Keerthana, K. Vaishnavi, S. Girija, Murali Narasimhan, TM. Vijayakumar* | 6th Author | Toxicology Reports | Oct-18 | Elsevier B.V. | Scopus | Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Google Scholar, PubMed Central, Science Direct, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) |
2019 | ||||||||
1 | Effectiveness, safety and tolerability of botulinum toxin in focal hyperhydrosis and dynamic facial wrinkles | K. Gopalakrishnan* | Corresponding and 1st Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Feb-19 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
2 | Clinical evaluation and role of patch testing in identifying the exogenous causes in patients presenting with hand eczema | S. Jyothi Lakshmi, K. Gopalakrishnan* | Corresponding and 2nd Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Feb-19 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
3 | Therapeutic study of onychomycosis in a tertiary care center | Geetha K*, Muthubharathi S | 2nd Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Aug-19 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
4 | Case Report: A not so common cause for fever with rashes | Murali Narasimhan, Saju A. Sathar, Ramachandran Ramakrishnan* | 1st Author, Corresponding and 3rd Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Nov-19 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
2020 | ||||||||
1 | Four sexually transmitted diseases in one: a rare case report | S. D. Fernandes, N. Jegadish, R. Ramachandran, K. Gopalakrishnan, Murali Narasimhan* | 1st Author, 3rd Author, 4th Author, Corresponding and 5th Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Mar-20 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
2 | Case Report: Phthiriasis palpebrarum: a diagnosis of keen observation and suspicion | Muthu Bharathi Sivasubramanian, Ramachandran Ramakrishnan*, Murali Narasimhan | 1st Author, Corresponding and 2nd Author, 3rd Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Mar-20 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
3 | Case Report: Hand and foot syndrome secondary to capecitabine | Murali Narasimhan, Abhishek Kumar, Ramachandran Ramakrishnan* | 1st Author, Corresponding and 3rd Author | International Journal of Research in Dermatology | Mar-20 | Medip academy | Index Copernicus, CrossRef, Google scholar, LOCKSS, ICMJE, J-Gate, Research Bib, JournalTOCs | |
4 | Lumpy Bumpy Weepy Face -A Rare Case Report of a Frequently Misdiagnosed Disease. Vol 9, Issue 37, Page 2761 to 2763 | Ramachandran Ramakrishnan DhivyaSundarajan, Shivasekar Ganapathy, Balaji Durairaj, Murali Narasimhan* | 1st Author, Corresponding and 5th Author | Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences | Sep-20 | Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited | Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index | Index Copernicus,Global Index Medicus , Google scholar, J-Gate,Indian Science Abstract,CNKI,Index Medicus for South -East Asia Region, EBSCO Databases, CAB Abstract and Global Health Databases etc. |
2021 | ||||||||
1 | Segmental Neurofibromatosis with Lisch Nodules- A Rare Case Report | Gayathri A,Ramachandran Ramakrishnan Murali Narasimhan* | 2nd Author, Corresponding and 5th Author | Medical Journal Armed Forces India | 3/8/2021 | Elsevier | Scopus | International Abstracts of Biological Sciences Embase Scopus PubMed Central |
2 | NodularHidradenoma- A Rare Case Report | Nivethitha Ayyasamy Chanrdan,Ramachandran Ramakrishnan Murali Narasimhan* | 2nd Author, Corresponding and 5th Author | Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences | 1/25/2021 | Akshantala Enterprises Private Limited | Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index | Index Copernicus,Global Index Medicus , Google scholar, J-Gate,Indian Science Abstract,CNKI,Index Medicus for South -East Asia Region, EBSCO Databases, CAB Abstract and Global Health Databases etc. |
3 | A descriptive study of onychoscopic features in various subtypes of onychomycosis | Devi Sangeetha , Gopalakrishnan K, Ramachandran Ramakrishnan Murali Narasimhan* | 2nd Author, 3rd Author, Corresponding and 4th Author | Medical Journal Armed Forces India | 18-06-2021 (Pubished online) | Elsevier | Scopus | International Abstracts of Biological Sciences Embase Scopus PubMed Central |
4 | A descriptive study of clinical and etiological profile of balanoposthitis | Jegadish N, S. D Fernandes, Murali Narasimhan, Ramachandran Ramakrishnan * | 2nd Author, 3rd Author, Corresponding and 4th Author | Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care | 7/2/2021 | Medknow | Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index | Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris – Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, National Science Library, ProQuest, TDNet, Wanfang Data, DOAJ, Indian Science Abstracts, PubMed Central |
Scope of Services
- Hand Surgery
- Micro Vascular Surgery
- Burns
- Oncoplastic Surgery [ Cancer Reconstruction ]
- 24x7 Trauma care
- Cleft lip, Cleft palate & craniofacial anomaly Surgery
- Lymphedema care
- Complex wound management
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Smile Train Project
- Facio Maxillary Trauma
Achievements and Awards
S.No | Faculty Name | Awards and Achievements |
1 | Dr.Murali Narasimhan |
2 | Dr.R.Ramachandran |
3 | Dr. PriyaCinna T Durai University Ranks: |
4 | Dr. Abirami C |
S.NO | PG Name | Year |
1 | Dr. J. Sumyuktha -Third prize in Patrick Yesudian medal exam for Dermatology Conducted by Madras Club of Cutaneous medicine | 2014 |
2 | Dr. K. Misha, Dr. M. Harini -Won the Third prize in the Cosmetic Dermatology quiz at Stanley medical college | 2017 |
3 | Dr. K. Misha-Third prize in Telederm india 8th National Conference of Instead 16th July, Chennai | 2017 |
4 | Dr. Vaishnavi S -Third prize in Telederm india 8th National Conference of Instead 16th July, Chennai | 2017 |
5 | Dr. Preethi -Won Second prize in award paper in State conference (Cuticon- 2017) | 2017 |
6 | Dr. Nivethitha AC (PG) - GOVINDAN NAIR Prize at ASTICON October 2019, kodaikanal | 2019 |
7 | Dr. Preethi M (PG) -Presented an award paper in CUTICON August 2019, Chennai | 2019 |
8 | Dr. A. Gayathri (PG) -Presented an award paper in ASTICON October 2019, kodaikanal | 2019 |
9 | Dr. Arun Vignesh ((PG)) won the first prize in award paper competition in Dermatology Inter-college meet (DICM) conducted by Sree Balaji Medical College, Chennai - July 2021. | 2021 |
10 | Dr. Arun Vignesh (PG) won the 3rd prize in MELANOCON 2021- National conference on pigmentary disorders, organized by Sree Balaji Medical College, Chennai - Oct 2021. | 2021 |
11 | Dr.VarriDivyaSree won the 4th prize in Current Updates in Psoriasis Biologicals& Beyond –International Conference organized by SreeBalaji Medical College, Chennai - Feb 2022 | 2022 |
12 | Dr.B,Sneha (PG)won the 2nd prize in 2nd Annual Dermatologists Inter –Collegiate Meet 2022 -National conference onDapsone Hypersensitivity Syndrome organized by SreeBalaji Medical College, Chennai - Oct 2022 | 2022 |
S.NO | PG Name | Year |
1 | Dr.A.Senthil | 2014 |
2 | Dr. J.Sumyuktha | 2015 |
3 | Dr. J.Charanya | 2016 |
4 | Dr. K.Subashini | 2017 |
5 | Dr. Harini ,M | 2018 |
6 | Dr. Vaishnavi S | 2019 |
7 | Dr. Dhivya S | 2020 |
8 | Dr. Nivethitha A C | 2021 |
9 | Dr. Arun Vignesh | 2022 |
S.No | Other Highlights of the Department |
1 | Our faculties are chief guests, speakers, chairpersons, moderators, and panelists in various National conferences and CME programs. |
2 | We have a highly professional as well as friendly relationship with all the other departments in SRM MCH. |
3 | Adherence to NABH norms for patient safety and management. |
4 | Regular feedbacks are taken from the students. |
5 | State-of-the-art LASER clinic providing various services. |
6 | Special clinics are run in the department every day and individual special clinic records are maintained. |
7 | We take part in the Leprosy eradication/control program(Our department is a recognized sub-center for distribution of Leprosy medications). |
8 | Dr.Murali Narasimhan went to Harvard Medical School, Boston to attend training by Partners Medical International (PMI) on curriculum development and newer teaching methods in 2016 May. |
9 | Dr.Ramachandran was selected and attended IADVL Observership training in Paediatric Dermatology at Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore in Jul-Aug 2017 |
10 | Dr.Sudarshan was selected for the IADVL Observership in Cosmetic Dermatology in Chennai in July 2016. |
11 | Approval for starting a Fellowship in cosmetic dermatology was obtained in 2018. |
12 | Dr.Murali Narasimhan has been an invited speaker at various State and National Conferences. |
S.No | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr.Charanya | Consultant Dermatologist- Soul Skin Clinic |
2 | Dr. Harini | Co-Founder C- Dot Hospital |
Dr. KuttiSaiSwetha
As a post graduate student with an interest in pursuing a career as a dermatologist, I had made the dream come true with help of my highly efficient professors.
Dr. Dhivya. S
I have had a wonderful journey of 3 years in pursuing my dream of becoming a dermatologist. As I reflect to that short time spent in SRM MCH & RC, I am even more grateful for the wonderful opportunity that the institute has provided.
Dr. Abhishek Kumar Jha
My mother once told me “life is a collection of experiences and that in every experiencethere is something unique to learn.” My experience in SRM MCH & RC was great.
Dr Arun Vignesh
I, Dr.Arun Vignesh, alumini of SRM.I did my Post graduation in Dermatology in SRM medical college and hospital.I am very grateful and privileged to study in SRM during my 3 years of residency.