About Us
- Nephrology is a discipline that deals with kidney diseases, including acid-base and electrolyte disorders.
- The Department of Nephrology is devoted to the provision of “Holistic Kidney Care” to needy patients and training Nephrology super specialty postgraduate students in all fields of nephrology like clinical nephrology, dialysis, transplantation, and interventional nephrology.
- After patient care and teaching, our next priority is Clinical research that is relevant to this part of the world.
- PG Eligibility : MD / DNB - (Medicine)/MD / DNB - (Paediatrics)

Our Vision
- To deliver the best quality evidence-based comprehensive holistic renal care.
- To set a benchmark for educating Nephrology post-graduates, and Renal Dialysis Technology students to be the leaders in creating a healthier and better world.

Our Mission
- To render excellent education to Nephrology postgraduate students with a blend of traditional teaching methods and advanced technology.
- To deliver accessible renal services to all in need of care with compared regarding status or ability to pay.
- To enrich learning, embrace change, and help tackle the most complicated challenges in Renal Care.
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Integrity
- Perseverance
- Accountability
- Teaching Doctorate of Medicine (Nephrology) students (2 students, 1 year).
- B.Sc. (Renal Dialysis Technology Course) – 117 students.
- M.Sc. (Renal Sciences and Dialysis Technology Course) – 12 students
- At the end of the course, the student should be a competent Nephrologist who has acquired the competence pertaining to Nephrology that is required to be practiced in the community and at all levels of the health care system.
- Has acquired the skills to manage the patient effectively pertaining to Nephrology.
- Has acquired skills in effectively communicating with patients and their attendants.
- Has the desired skills to independently manage emergency cases.
- Has acquired skills to perform procedures related to dialysis independently.
- Is aware of the latest developments in the field of Nephrology oriented to principles of research methodology.
- Has gained adequate knowledge to establish and manage a dialysis unit.
- Has acquired skills in educating medical and paramedical professionals
- Has gained experience in confidently managing renal transplant cases.
- Out-Patient: Monday to Saturday 8 AM – 3 PM
- Special clinics: Transplant clinic, vascular Access clinic, HD clinic, PD clinic. 2 PM -3 PM
- In-Patient:20 Beds: One of a handful of hospitals having USG services in the nephrology ward with a focus on “Point of care USG”.
- Hemodialysis: 34 stations with 4 separate facilities each for Serology Negative, HBsAg, hepatitis B, hepatitis C & Human Immunodeficiency Virus .24x7 Hemodialysis facilities.
- Emergency & Critical Care: Hemodialysis facilities At the Emergency room, Intermediate Medical Care Unit, Intensive Care Unit, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Cardiac Thoracic Intensive Care Unit, continuous renal Replacement Therapy.
- Interventional Nephrology: Placement of temporary dialysis catheter, Renal Biopsy (Native kidney & allograft ) Permcath insertion, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis catheter placement, vascular access imaging-DSA provision.
- Peritoneal Dialysis: Intermittent, APD & Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis.
- Renal Transplantationboth Live related and cadaver.
- The curriculum for DM PGs is framed in such a way that they are “sound in knowledge and strong in procedure” and effectively become consultants as they pass out.
- They are allowed to make independent decisions in the nephrology ward, renal dialysis unit, and transplant ward.
- Expertise in inserting central venous catheters, Permcath, and CAPD catheters is assured. They are also trained to perform ultrasound-guided kidney biopsy.
- In the field of dialysis, they are trained with techniques of plasmapheresis, hemoperfusion for poisonings, and CRRT.
- Renal transplantation (both living-related and deceased donor transplantation) is yet another training they are imparted.
- The teaching schedule is rather tight with a topic discussion on Mondays & Fridays. On Thursdays, we have a nephropathology meeting.
- Interdepartmental meeting is conducted on Wednesdays. We have a journal club on Saturdays. Case presentation by final year PG is scheduled on Tuesday.
- They are encouraged to present research papers at regional, national, and international conferences.
- B.Sc (RDT) Class Room - 1 (Room with projector)
- B.Sc (RDT) Class Room - 2
- M.SC (RDT) Class Room - 3
- M.Sc (RDT) Class Room - 1
- DM (Nephrology) Seminar Hall (Room with projector)
- Library
- Renal Transplant ICU Unit (Equipped with cardiac Monitor & Crash cart)
- Renal Dialysis Unit (Equipped with cardiac Monitor & Crash cart)
- Teaching other department post graduates-MD General Medicine, Master of Hospital Administration, Doctor of Pharmacy, M. Pharm, Para Medical Students
- Case-based teaching/bedside teaching.
- Special posting to other institutions in Pediatric Nephrology
- Case based teaching / bed side teaching.
- Special posting to other institutions
- Pediatric Nephrology
Particulars | Central | Departmental |
Number of Books pertaining to Nephrology | 17705 | 125 |
Number of Journals | 63 | 1 |
Latest journals available upto Dec 2021 | 80 foreign | 3 |
Other Learning resources:
- Digital Learning Resources
- Simulation Lab facility
S.No | Ongoing Projects |
1 | Study on Cardiac failure with phenotypic classification in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients – A Single Centre experience" |
2 | Evaluation of Vitamine E as an add on with standard therapy and its effect on plasma pentraxin -2 in patients with chronic kidney disease on renal dialysis – A Randomized control trails. |
3 | Evaluation of malnutrition by skin fold thickness measurement in hemodialysis patients – A prospective cross sectional study. |
4 | Evaluation of taste sensation in CKD and Dialysis Patients. |
Sl.No | Candidate Name | Batch | Dissertation Topic |
1. | Dr.Deepu Sabu George | 2013-2016 | Pulmonary Hypertension in Predialysis and Dialysis patients in a Tertiary Care Centre. |
2. | Dr.M.Sree Rag | 2014-2017 | Study of Cerebrovascular Accident in Chronic Kidney Disease . |
3. | Dr.Yuvaraja | 2015-2018 | A Study of Prevalence and Risk Factors of obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease . |
4. | Dr.L.Venugopal | 2016-2019 | A Study of Furosemide Stress Test and Predicting AKI Progression |
5. | Dr.Donakonda Arun Kumar | 2017-2020 | Prevalence of left ventricular Hypertrophy in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Hemodialysis and effectiveness of azilsartan in decreasing left ventricular mass index in CKD patients on Hemodialysis |
6. | Dr.Jayakrishna Murthy | 2018-2021 | Comparison of Clinically Estimated Dry Weight with Lung ultrasonography Adjusted dry weight in maintenance Hemodialysis Patients |
7 | Dr.M. Suganya | 2019-2022 | Valvular calcification in CKD comparison among CKD 1 – 3 & CKD Dialysis Patients. |
S.No | Faculty Name | Publications |
1 | Jayaprakash V*, Gopalakrishnan N. | A clarion call for follow-up of acute kidney injury survivors: perspective from a developing country. J Nephrol. 2022 Apr;35(3):1029-1031 |
2 | Udhbhav KS*, Meyyappan RM, Saravanan J, Jayaprakash V. | Successful surgical repair of inguinal hernia causing positional obstructive uropathy: A rare cause of renal graft dysfunction – Case report. Indian J Transplant 2022;16:337-9. |
3 | Jayaprakash V*Vamsikrishna M, Indhumathi E, Jayakumar M. | Scrub typhus- associated acute kidney injury: Study from a South Indian tertiary care hospital. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2019;30(4):883-890 |
4 | Jayaprakash V*Jagadeswaran D, Ezhilmathi K, Sathiapriya A, Vamsikrishna M, Indhumathi E, et al. | Low concentration trisodium citrate as a non-inferior locking agent for non-tunneled dialysis catheters in the Asian setting. Indian J Nephrol 2019;29:410-4 |
5 | Jayaprakash V*Dineshkumar T, Dhanapriya J, Rajasekar D, Sakthirajan R, Balasubramaniyan T, et al. | End of induction treatment outcomes with a novel cyclophosphamide-based regimen for severe lupus nephritis: Single-center experience from South India. Indian J Rheumatol 2020; 15: 100-5 |
6 | Munusamy Sivasankari, Varadharajan Jayaprakash*, Elayaperumal Indhumathi, Dhakshinamoorthy Jagadeswaran, Angraje Srivatsa, Matcha Jayakumar. | The effect of dialysate temperature on urea reduction ratio among patients undergoing maintenance haemodialysis: A case control study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Feb, Vol-13(2): OC25-OC28 (Indexed in Web of Science) |
7 | Nithiya N, Indhumathi E*, Jagadeswaran D,Jayaprakash V , Jayakumar M. | Pulmonary hypertension – Prevalence, risk factors and its association with vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis patients. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2020;31:380-7 |
8 | Indhumathi E*, Krishna Makkena V, Mamidi V, Jayaprakash V, Jayakumar M. | Influenza A (H1N1) virus infection associated acute kidney injury - a study from a tertiary care centre in South India. Saudi J of Kidney Dis Transpl 2020;31:759-66 |
9 | Jose N, Jayaprakash V, Deiva A, Sai V, Jayakumar M. | Renal angiographic evaluation of prospective renal donors: Single-center data and outcome analysis from South India - A retrospective observational study. Indian J Transplant 2021;15:24-8. |
10 | Jayaprakash V*, Anila A. Kurien, Dinesh Kumar T, Gopalakrishnan N. | 'Snapshot' of an annual data from a large South Indian renal biopsy registry. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transp 2021; 32(2):522-529 |
11 | Jayakrishna Murthy S, Venugopal L,Jayaprakash V , Padmanabhan R, Sreedhar S*. | Furosemide stress test predicts acute kidney injury progression in intensive care unit. J Renal Inj Prev. 2022; 11(x): x-x. doi: 10.34172/jrip.2022.xx. |
12 | Dhanapriya J*, Dineshkumar T, Sakthirajan R, Murugan S, Jayaprakash V, Balasubramaniyan T, Gopalakrishnan N. | Scrub typhus meningitis in a renal transplant recipient. Indian J Nephrol 2017;27:151-3 |
13 | Jose N, Jayaprakash V, Deiva A, Jayakumar M. | An unusual neurological syndrome in a haemodialysis patient. Indian J Nephrol 2021;31:293-5. |
14 | Suganya M, Jayaprakash V, Duraimavalavan VM, George MG, Padmanabhan R, Sreedhar S. | Management of a newly diagnosed case of myeloma kidney in a recently COVID-19 recovered patient. J Renal Inj Prev. 2022; 11(x): x-x. doi: 10.34172/jrip.2022.xx. |
15 | Jayaprakash V, Suganya M, Karthick D, Abraham Kurien A, Padmanabhan R. | “Double whammy” to the kidneys; an unusual etiology of acute kidney disease. J Nephropathol. 2022;11(x):exx. DOI: 10.34172/jnp.2022.xx. |
16 | Udhbhav KS*, Meyyappan RM, Saravanan J, Jayaprakash V. | Successful surgical repair of inguinal hernia causing positional obstructive uropathy: A rare cause of renal graft dysfunction – Case report. Indian J Transplant 2022;16:337-9. |
17 | Deiva A, Jayaprakash V*, Nisha J, Chandan Kumar K, Jayakumar M. | Acute kidney injury in a patient treated with Tenofovir alafenamide fumarate for Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2021;32(2):592-594 |
18 | Jayaprakash V*, Gopalakrishnan N. | A clarion call for follow-up of acute kidney injury survivors: perspective from a developing country. J Nephrol. 2022 Apr;35(3):1029-1031. |
19 | R.Padmanabhan, R.Singh, R.G., Unni, G.et al. | Multidisciplinary Consensus Document on the Management of Uncontrolled Hypertension in India.High Blood Press Cardiovascular Prevention, 2020; 27; 215–223. |
20 | Donakonda, AK , Raghavan, P, Laxminarayan, | Subcutaneous Phaeohyphomycosis in a Renal Transplant Recipient.Kidney International Reports.2020; 5(3), Supplement; S339–S340 |
21 | Luxitaa Goenka, Raghavan Padmanaban, | The Ascent of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in Diabetic Nephropathy, Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2019; 14(2); 78–83. |
22 | Donakonda Arun Kumar, R Padmanabhan , | A Study Of Incidence Causes And Outcomes Of Acute Kidney Injury In Patients Admitted To Medical Intensive Care Unit At Srm Medical College And Hospital.Indian Journal of Nephrology, 2019 ; 29; supplement 1; S17 |
23 | L Venugopal, R Padmanabhan, | Frusemide Stress Testto Predict Acute Kidney Injury Progression And Dialysis Requirement: A Prospective Study.Indian journal of Nephrology, 2019;29; supplement 1; S17 |
24 | K.Renuka Prasad, R.Padmanabhan. | Assessment of the risk of acute kidney injury associated with the use of pantoprazole and esomeprazole and Esomeprazole, Drugs Therapy Perspectives, 2018; 34 ; 223-230. |
25 | R.Padmanabhan, | Management of Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease: Consensus Statement by an Expert Panel of Indian Nephrologists, Supplement to JAPI 2017; 65; 2-24. |
26 | R.Padmanabhan, S.Sreedhar, | Study of Cerebrovasuclar Accident in Chronic Kidney Disease.International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 2017; 6 (6); 4254 - 4260 |
27 | R.Padmanabhan, S.Krishnakumar. | A Cross – Sectional Study of Psychiatric Morbidities in Hemodialysis Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital – 2016, , Indian Journal Nephrology- 2016 ; 26; Supplement 2;- 186. |
28 | R.Padmanabhan | Use of Analyte Factors for the Diagnosis of Chronic Renal Failure.International Journal of Biology , Pharmacy and Alied Sciences (IJBPAS), 2014; 3(2); 210-215. |
29 | Rajeswari.S, Emila.S, Padmanaban.R, Swaminathan.S | Association between CA, P & Mg in Non-Hospitalized Chronic Renal Failure Patients.Elixir Biochem.2014; 66; 21078-21082 |
Scope of Services
- Hand Surgery
- Micro Vascular Surgery
- Burns
- Oncoplastic Surgery [ Cancer Reconstruction ]
- 24x7 Trauma care
- Cleft lip, Cleft palate & craniofacial anomaly Surgery
- Lymphedema care
- Complex wound management
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Smile Train Project
- Facio Maxillary Trauma
Achievements and Awards
UG's Best Poster Presentation-2019 | PG’s Best Poster Presentation:2019 | Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Medical Sciences | Student toppers list (in that subject).Including Prize Exam |
One of the largest Renal dialysis unit in the state of Tamilnadu ,24x7 services | The Indian Society of Nephrology (Southern Chapter) Meet at Tirupati. | "All India Gold Medal – Essay Competition" – 2nd Prize – Dr.Venugopal – DM PG | Dr.Jayakrishna Murthy scored gold medal in University Examination |
Perform more than 20,000 Hemodialysis per year | 2nd Prize – Dr.Jayakrishnamurthy – 1st Year DM PG | Presented Posters in several International conferences (World congress of Nephrology, International society of Hemodialysis ) | |
3rd Prize – Dr.Arun Kumar Donakonda – 2nd Year DM PG 2019 |
Mr. V. Saravanaganesh
I feel such a sense of relief. It's a relief to be off the dialysis machine. Everything turned out well and I feel very fortunate