About Us
- Plastic Surgery is a specialized branch of surgery that deals with deformities, defects that are either congenital or acquired and aims at restoring and improving their form, function, and aesthetic appearance.
- This Department has been functioning since 2005. It has grown steadily and is now fully equipped with adequate faculty and sound infrastructure. It is recognized by the National Medical Council for training one M.Ch Post graduate per year since 2014. This department is headed by former Professor & HOD Dr. C. Balasubramanian in Madurai Medical College, Madurai.
- It provides state-of-the-art care in all sub-specialties. Hand Surgery, Micro Vascular Surgery, Burns, Aesthetic Surgery, cleft lip, cleft palate, craniofacial anomaly surgery, Lymphedema care, and complex wound management.
- PG Eligibility : MS/ DNB Surgery

Our Vision
- Excellent Plastic Surgery care at affordable cost.
- To give training to M.Ch Plastic Surgery Post Graduates and other Postgraduates in General Surgery, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, OMFS.

Our Mission
- Our mission has been constantly updating infrastructure to meet the demands of the growing specialty, providing personalized care for needy patients on a 24x7 basis, streamlining academics, encouraging research, and innovative ideas, and providing a database for publications.
- M.Ch., Plastic Surgery PG course is approved by NMC. 3 M.Ch., Post Graduates already qualified from our Department. Two M.Ch., Post Graduate is undergoing training in our department, at present.
- Postgraduates in General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, ENT, and OMFS [Oral and Maxillo Facial Surgery] are being trained in our department on a routine basis with satisfying outcomes.
- Students from Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, and speech therapy are also undergoing training with us.
- Fully equipped with adequate Faculty, required area for special patient care, and adequate operation theatres with Instrumentation is available Instrumentation to address the demands of various subspecialties also available
- Exclusive Burns ward with 10 beds providing Tertiary care.
- Providing 24x7 coverage for Trauma, Burns, and other Emergency Plastic Surgery cases.
- Case Presentation in OP and during ward rounds.
- Presentation on the topics and the planning sessions
- Planning session
- Journal Club
- Observing and assisting in surgical cases in elective and emergency theatres
- Presenting Papers in the Clinical Society Meeting regularly.
- Providing an opportunity for the postgraduates to assist cases in the operation theatre
- Special Concentration for training in Microvascular Surgery, Cancer Reconstruction, Cleft lip and Palate, and Aesthetic Surgery is provided for the trainees
- BLS; ATLS Training is given
- Lectures by the Faculty members
- Well-equipped departmental library
- Online access to peer-reviewed and indexed journals
- By presenting clinical cases in the outpatient department and the wards
- Access to the Journal Club
- Regularly attending and presenting cases in clinical society meetings, Interdepartmental meetings
S.No | Ongoing Projects |
1 | To Study the outcome of patients undergoing conservative and operative management for Acute Burn injuries in our facility in the last 5 years. |
2 | "Collagen versus Acticoat: A comparative study of their efficacy in second degree superficial (IIa) burns" |
3 | Comparative study between rectangle recession flap and eponychial folding flap for nail plate lengthening and its outcomes in fingertip amputations – one year randomized controlled trail. |
4 | “Ex-vivo study of the cross-talk between mesenchyme, epithelial and immune cells” in collaboration with the Department of Medical Research, SRM MCHRC. |
Faculty Name | Designation | Topic | Completed Projects |
Dr.R.Santharam | Associate Professor | International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) | Management of fingertip injuries; various surgical procedures involved. A Single Centre Experience Of Two Years. Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/6086 DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/6086 Received: 17 October 2017 Final Accepted: 19 November 2017 Published: December 2017 Flap Cover Options For Knee Soft Tissue Defects – An Institutional Experience. Received: 13 October 2017 Final Accepted: 15 November 2017 Published: December 2017 Subcutaneous Phaeohyphomycosis In A Renaltransplant Recipient – Successful Outcome With Autologous Skin Graft For The Wound International Journal of Medical and Health Research Volume 4; Issue 8; August 2018; Page No. 18-24 Formation of Reconstruction Protocol for Sacral Pressure sore defects. |
Scope of Services
- Hand Surgery
- Micro Vascular Surgery
- Burns
- Oncoplastic Surgery [ Cancer Reconstruction ]
- 24x7 Trauma care
- Cleft lip, Cleft palate & craniofacial anomaly Surgery
- Lymphedema care
- Complex wound management
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Smile Train Project
- Facio Maxillary Trauma
Achievements and Awards
S.No | Year | Title | Speakers |
1 | 19/7/2024 | Recent Trends in Burn Care Commemoration of the “World Plastic Surgery day”. | Dr. Angeline Selvaraj, M.S., M.Ch., Project Medical Officer Burn Task Force ICMR Govt. Kilpauk Medical College Hospital |
2 | 15/07/2021 | ONLINE CME In commemoration of the “WORLD PLASTIC SURGERY DAY “ SOFT TISSUE INJURIES OF FACE | Dr. S. ARAM, M.S., M.Ch Associate Professor - Department of Plastic Surgery |
3 | 15/07/2022 | “WORLD PLASTIC SURGERY DAY” Diabetic foot – From Depreciation to Appreciation and Inspiration | Prof. V. B. NARAYANAMURTHY F.R.C.S [Glasgow] |
4 | 01/02/2022 | Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, has signed a Partnership Agreement with “Smile Train – India” an affiliate of “Smile Train Inc – USA” for provision of free of cost Cleft lip / Palate Surgeries to underprivileged children born with cleft lip and palate. | Dr. M. PASUPATHY., M.D.S. Director (Smile Train India – Project) |
Mrs. Sheila SaravanaKumar
I thank and appreciate the Doctors and all the staff of the Plastic Surgery department of SRM MCH for the kindness and expertise offered to me during my treatment.