About Us
- The Department of Respiratory Medicine was started in the year 2011 and specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of lung and chest diseases.
- The department is actively involved in clinical research activities, academics, training, and education of Undergraduates and post-graduates, imparting skills and knowledge in the field of respiratory and sleep medicine.
- PG Eligibility : Pass In MBBS or its Equivalent Degree recognized by NMC (Canditates completing the CRRI / CRMI on or before 31st March of the Year) NEET PG score as prescribed by NMC.

Our Vision
- To evolve as a centre of excellence for advanced interventional pulmonary procedures and become the forefront of innovation in diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.

Our Mission
- To provide innovative, cost-efficient, and advanced respiratory care for patients of all age groups.
- Spacious outpatient consulting rooms
- Well-ventilated male and female wards with adequate ports for oxygen supply.
- Respiratory ICU with 6 ventilator beds
- Isolation ward with negative suction, TB ward, and separate MDR - TB wards with negative suction
- Air-conditioned departmental library
- 2 Demonstration rooms, and 1 Seminar hall with projector facility
- 1 PFT room and 1 bronchoscopy room
- Flipped classroom - Small group teaching with prior study material
- Competency-based medical education (CBME) – For MBBS students
- Simulation-based teachingMannequins and computer-assisted learning
- Integrated Teaching Vertical and Horizontal Teaching for MBBS Students
- Group discussions Regularly
- Bedside clinical teaching and case discussions
- Journal clubs and Seminars for PGsTwice a week
- Mentoring Group of students assigned for all the faculties
- Feedback and counseling After every internal assessment test
- In-depth understanding of the common conditions and concepts relevant to community-based respiratory medicine including Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Asthma, and Sleep apnoea.
- To get a comprehensive understanding and practical knowledge of acute respiratory problems, and complex lung conditions managed in tertiary care settings like drug-resistant TB, ILD, and lung cancer.
- Understanding the use and maintenance of nebulizers, spacers, peak flow meters, Metered Dose Inhalers, CPAP, BIPAP, Humidifiers, and other appliances.
- Thorough knowledge of critical care/intensive care management, intubation, indications, and management of invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation and ventilator-associated complications.
- To provide the knowledge and practical skills to plan and deliver efficient and successful clinical services through case-based learning and supervised clinical protocol design.
- To enable students to interpret lung function tests, DLCO, arterial blood gases, Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) staining, and chest x-rays in various pulmonary diseases.
- To acquire skills to utilize an array of diagnostic modalities bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, and lung ultrasound.
- To perform interventional procedures, for example, bronchoscopy-guided biopsy and chest drains.
- Central library Books - 265
- Books in department library -125
- National Journals – 3, International journals – 3, e-journals- 16
- Access to Clinical Key, Science Direct.
- Five Computers with internet access.
- LMS, Digital learning resources, Museum
PG Name | TITLE |
Dr.Rahul Mittal | The role of serum uric acid as a biomarker in prediction of treatment outcome and risk of exacerbation in patients of COPD. |
Dr.Anitha.S Menon | The study of inflammatory markers levels ESR, CRP, NLR, RDW, serum globulin and serum ferritin in pulmonary tuberculosis in relation to severity of disease and its response to intensive phase of ATT. |
Dr.Rohith Meesa | Comparison of 2 chair test with 6MWT to assess post exercise recovery in patients with chronic lung disease at a tertiary care hospital. |
Dr.Anitha E | Clinical profile and predictors of treatment outcome in extra pulmonary tuberculosis |
PG Name | TITLE |
Dr.Pugazhendhi.S | A Comparative study of conventional mode with average volume assured pressure support(avaps) mode in non invasive ventilatory management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
Dr.Rathish .M | Comparison of sensitivity pattern of induced sputum afb with bronchial wash afb in diagnosis of sputum afb negative pulmonary tuberculosis patients |
Dr.Rowhit Yanamadala | A Randomised controlled study on effect of oral magnesium supplements in control of symptoms of bronchial asthma and lung function parameters |
Dr.Abirami | Truenat varsus cb nakte in diagnosis of tuber culosius |
Dr.V.Anirudh kumaran | The Study of clinicoradiological and spirometric profile of post tuberculosis obstructive airway disease patients and its correlation with echocardiographic findings |
Dr.Anuthara Hareendran | The Study of clinicoradiological and histologicalprofile of primary lung malignancy |
Dr.Harshavardhini P | Comparative Study of inhaled corticosteroids plus long acting beta 2 agonist with long acting muscuranic antagonist plus long acting beta 2 agonist in the management of copd patients guided by blood eosinophils |
Dr.Sangeetha p | Combined role of pleural fluid alkaline phosphatase and lymphocytic neutrophilic ratio in distinguishing between tuberculosis and non tuberculous pleural effusion |
Scope of Services
- Hand Surgery
- Micro Vascular Surgery
- Burns
- Oncoplastic Surgery [ Cancer Reconstruction ]
- 24x7 Trauma care
- Cleft lip, Cleft palate & craniofacial anomaly Surgery
- Lymphedema care
- Complex wound management
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Smile Train Project
- Facio Maxillary Trauma
Achievements and Awards
S.NO | PG Name | Year |
1 | Dr.Krithika-Prize gift for Sleepcon quiz | 2018 |
2 | Dr.Seema-certificate of appreciation –Pneumonia quiz | 2018 |
3 | Dr.Pugazhendhi – 2nd prize in paediatric ventilator conference | 2018 |
4 | Dr.Rowhit – 2nd prize in Sleepcon Quiz | 2019 |
5 | Dr.Pugazhendhi – Best paper presentation in NAPCON | 2020 |
6 | Dr. Harshavardhini – 3rd prize in poster presentation in NAPCON | 2020 |
7 | Dr.Rahul Mittal – 3rd prize for paper presentation - CRSCON | 2022 |
8 | Dr.Rahul Mittal – Best paper in tuberculosis - CRSCON | 2022 |
Dr.Nalini Jayanthi Mam was my HOD and I learned a lot from the immense experience and clinical knowledge that mam possesses. The way mam manages patients and the way mam counsels the patients were all very inspiring.
Dr. Pugazhendhi
Regarding the HOD of Respiratory medicine, she is a very kind and competent person who encourages and supports me during hard times. I can approach her directly whenever I’m in trouble and she not only listens but also gives solutions for my problems.
Dr.Anirudh Kumaran
Regarding the HOD of respiratory medicine she is very kind and has a lot of experience. I had gained a lot of knowledge from her and our department conducted many CME programs which helped me a lot.
Dr.Nalini Jayanthi Mam was my HOD and I learned a lot from the immense experience and clinical knowledge that mam possesses. The way mam manages patients and the way mam counsels the patients were all very inspiring.
Dr. Pugazhendhi
Regarding the HOD of Respiratory medicine, she is a very kind and competent person who encourages and supports me during hard times. I can approach her directly whenever I’m in trouble and she not only listens but also gives solutions for my problems.
Dr.Anirudh Kumaran
Regarding the HOD of respiratory medicine she is very kind and has a lot of experience. I had gained a lot of knowledge from her and our department conducted many CME programs which helped me a lot.
Dr.Nalini Jayanthi Mam was my HOD and I learned a lot from the immense experience and clinical knowledge that mam possesses. The way mam manages patients and the way mam counsels the patients were all very inspiring.
Dr. Pugazhendhi
Regarding the HOD of Respiratory medicine, she is a very kind and competent person who encourages and supports me during hard times. I can approach her directly whenever I’m in trouble and she not only listens but also gives solutions for my problems.
Dr.Anirudh Kumaran
Regarding the HOD of respiratory medicine she is very kind and has a lot of experience. I had gained a lot of knowledge from her and our department conducted many CME programs which helped me a lot.