About Us
- The Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate programs in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. Both the undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by the department are recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India. The Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology entails the scope and practice of assessment and management of a wide variety of hearing and vestibular disorders, speech and language disorders such as fluency disorders, voice disorders, and swallowing disorders.
- In this conducive ambiance, the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology department has thrived well. SRMIST started the Bachelor of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (BASLP) course in 2007. In the year 2013, a postgraduate course in this specialty, Masters of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (MASLP) was started with an annual intake of 10 postgraduate students. In the academic year 2019-20, the university split the master's course into two courses with specialization and increased the number of postgraduate seats to 24 (twelve each in the M. Sc Audiology course and MSc Speech Language Pathology). All the courses are in full compliance with the regulations of the Rehabilitation Council of India. Currently, the intake for the B.ASLP course has been increased to 40 seats per year.
- The Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology department is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and laboratories for clinical and research. With great enthusiasm and pride, we serve the general community, by collaborating with organizations such as Ceshire Homes, Parivarthan Foundation for Parkinson’s Patients, Madhuram Narayanan Centre for Exceptional Children, and with various other NGOs. We also extend our services to various units of State government viz. State Resource Training Centre, Social Welfare dept, and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan schemes. Such activities provide community exposure to our students.
- By now, we are considered among the top ten in our nation. This distinction has been made possible, by the constant endeavor of the faculty, and, encouragement from the administrators and the management. We pledge to become a global player, in the coming years. It calls for skill and patience in assessing special populations, intensive care, and in-patients in the hospitals for communication intervention. The program also highlights assessing the hearing of individuals and helps to find appropriate rehabilitation procedures such as Auditory training, Auditory verbal therapy, and speech-language therapy for effective communication. The breadth and depth of this skill and knowledge may vary with the spectrum of disorders ranging from childhood to geriatric disorders.

Our Vision
- To make available preventive, and rehabilitative care to those with communication disorders at minimal cost
- To set a benchmark for educating students, research scholars, and teachers of audiology and speech-language pathology to be the leaders in creating a healthier better world
- To promote an evidence-based holistic approach to patient care

Our Mission
- To render excellent education to students of audiology and speech-language pathology with a blend of traditional and advanced technology
- To improve the lives of communities we serve through excellence in learning, and healing with compassionate care
- To deliver accessible health services to all in need of care with compassion regardless of status or ability to pay
- To enrich learning, embrace change, create innovation, and help tackle the most complicated vexing challenges in health care related to communication disorders
- The program consists of eight semesters (four academic years). The initial six semesters comprise the didactic study. The 7th and 8th semesters comprise an internship. An academic year consists of two semesters, and each semester shall extend over a minimum period of sixteen weeks excluding examination days. The number of working days in a semester shall not be more than 100 days. This program is recognised by the Rehabilitation Council of India
- The program (course) shall be of four semesters (2 academic years) and should be completed within a maximum period of 4 years from the date of admission. The academic year consists of two semesters, and each semester shall extend over a minimum period of sixteen weeks excluding examination days.
Infrastructure is chiefly divided into Academic unit and Clinical unit. The academic unit includes well-spaced classrooms (five classrooms) with projectors and a sprawling library for the students for educational purposes. The clinical unit is divided into Diagnostics and therapeutic units.
Clinical unit- Audiology
- Audiology labs
- Neuro otology labs
- Earmold lab
- Audiometric rooms
Details of the audiological services
The department provides a comprehensive evaluation of hearing and balance problems to individuals of all ages, right from the newborn to the elderly. The assessment procedures provided are listed below
- Pure Tone Audiometry
- Behavioural Observation Audiometry, Visual Reinforcement Audiometry, Conditioned Play Audiometry, Conditioned Play Audiometry,
- Immittance Audiometry
- Auditory Brainstem Response/ BERA
- Cortical potentials
- Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP)
- Otoacoustic Emission
- Newborn Hearing Screening Program
- Hearing aid trial and programming
- Hearing aid analyzing & troubleshooting
- Earmold making
- Auditory training
- Video Nystagmography (VNG)
- CAPD evaluation
- Aural Rehabilitation
A feather to our department is that we started ‘Early Detection of Hearing Impairment’ right from the establishment of our department. Due to the social commitment of our management, our newborn Hearing Testing is free, for all newborns – both walk-in and born in our hospital. We also provide active School screening and extensive CBR as a part of our outreach program.
Clinical unit- Speech-language pathology
- Speech Diagnostic Lab
- Voice lab – CSL 4500 module, PRAAT, Dr Speech software, EGG, Spirometry
- Speech recording room
- Speech Therapy Unit for children, adults and geriatrics
Speech-Language Pathology Services
This division is equipped with various diagnostic test materials and a recording room, with facilities to record and store voice samples, and to analyze and monitor the progress of therapy. Patients admitted in General Medicine, Neurology, Pediatrics, and other wards, are referred to us, on a need basis. In the case of patients, who are unable to move because of stroke, injury, etc., we visit the concerned wards to impart speech therapy in the wards. We routinely carry out the following:
- Assessment of Child and Adult Language Disorders.
- Voice evaluation using CSL, Dr. Speech, and Spirometry.
- Stuttering evaluation.
- Evaluation for Cleft Lip and Palate.
- Dysphagia evaluation.
- Bedside evaluation, whenever required
- Speech and language therapy for children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Impairment, Intellectual Disability, Fluency disorders, Feeding & swallowing, etc
- Group therapy
- Teletherapy
- PowerPoint presentations
- Lectures
- Supervised clinical practise
- Practical sessions in well-equipped laboratories
- Case discussions
- Journal Club presentations
The department holds an élite library for the quest of knowledge that holds about 400 plus original books, expert journals, and reference books.
- Overall books - 469
- Speech-language pathology - 262
- Audiology - 181
- Journals with free access from the department - 36
- Vocal acoustic parameters among male and female individuals: measures from 6 years to 70 years, Ambethkar Suprent
- Early identification of hearing loss in Diabetic Mellitus Type II by using high frequency Audiometry., Tamilselvan G
- Association of subjective and objective tests of binaural interaction in children with central auditory processing disorder., Praveena J
- Development and validation of feeding and oro motor assessment protocol for infants and toddlers., Prasitha P
- A comprehensive multidimensional assessment protocol for pediatric dysphonia, Ruth Deborah D
- A study on the Dysfunction of the Peripheral Vestibular organs in Patients with Hearing impairment., G. Muthukumaran
- Pre and post operative vestibular evaluation in individuals with chronic otitis media (COM) mucosal disease, Kumaran T.
- Phonological Processes in typically developing Tamil-Telugu Bilingual children, Ramsankar SA
- Development and Validation of mobile therapy app in professional voice users, Navitha U
- Speech & language development for children born for mothers with Covid19, Prabhu S.
- Age related differences in conversational discourse abilities, Ruba S
- Prevalence and traditional management practices of speech and hearing (communication) disorders among primitive nilgiris tribes, Keren Oviya Babu
- Effect of sleep disturbance on vestibular system in young adults, Ramanathan S.
- Naming abilities in neurotypical individuals and elderly with cognitive-linguistic impairments using E-tool in Tamil, C. Elanthendral
- Persistent Postural - Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)., Ms Aishwarya Narayanan
Year 2021 - 2022
- Savitha V H., (2022). Early intervention in Cleft Lip and Palate: Perspectives from a Speech Language Pathologist , Journal of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, Vol – 9., July - December 2022, pp. 120-124
- Dhanesh, R., & Praveena, J. (2022). Optimum response of air-conduction induced ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential in drivers. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 26(1), 16.
- Priyadharshini Kamaraj, Nalluru Shrushitha, Vyshnavei S., Speech perception abilities in Tamil-english Bilingual Adults., The Indian Journal of Audiology, ISSN 2230 8608
- Priyadharshini Kamaraj, Nalluru Shrushitha, Vyshnavei S ., Temporal processing abilities in Tamil monolinguals and Tamil-English Bilingual Adults – A comparative study., The Indian Journal of Audiology, ISSN 2230 8608
- Priyadharshini Kamaraj, Nachiketa Rout, Vijay Paulraj., (2022) Auditory dyschrony – Cases where Hearing aids may not work., The Indian Journal of Audiology, ISSN 2230 8608
- Navitha Ulaghanathan, Ruba. S. & Prabhu. S., (2022)., Effect of Group Intervention focusing on Social Emotional Thinking skills in Children with Developmental Language Disorder - A Case series. International Journal of Sciences and Applied Research., 9(5), 2022; 79-88
- Elanthendral, C., Sivamani S., Vishnavi S., (2022) Introducing Telepractice for Parkinson’s Disease-Deciphering the Ease and Hurdle–A Single Case Report. Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow Volume 22: 5 May 2022 ISSN 1930-2940, 115.
- Prasitha P., Anusuya, M., Ramkarthik, M., & Kanagaraj, T. (2021)., Lexical Ambiguity in Sentence Processing in Monolingual and Bilingual School Going children., GIS Science Journal., Vol 8, Issue 11, 573-586
- Sheena, Bency Mary, B., Aswin, V.A., & Ambethkar Suprent (2021) Variation of Harmonics to Noise Ratio from the Age Range of 9–18 Years Old in both the Genders, Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery.
- Prabhu, S., Ruba, S., & Samayan, K. (2021). A study on pattern of code mixing in a sequential bilingual young adults. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 7(10), 188-192
- Ambethkar Suprent, Kiruthika Nagarajan, Illakkiya Thangaraj (2021) MELAS Syndrome – A Case study Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary Impact Factor 6.157, Issn: 2320-5083, Volume 9, Issue 3, April 2021
- Kala S., Elanthendral, C., & Hui, A. (2021). Frequency characteristics of Bengali and Tamil vowels in varying speaking rate. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 7(8), 1-1.
- Kala S., Elanthendral C., (2021) Duration related characteristics of Bengali and Tamil vowels in varying speaking, GIS Science Journal, Issue 8, Pg.543-567.
- Kala S., (2021) A study on phonological processes in children with spastic cerebral palsy, GIS Science journal, DOI: 20.18001. GSJ. 2021.V8I6.21.37365
- Prasitha P., Prema K S (2021). Specific Language Impairment. Development of Morphosyntax in Kannada. International Journal of Scientific Research and Publication. Volume 11. Issue 4. 245-258
- Ambethkar S, Muthukumaran G, Tamil Selvan G and Vishnuram B., (2021) Impact of Speech Intelligibility in various phases of Dysphagia secondary to Cerebro-vascular Accident (CVA)., International journal of scientific research, Vol 11, Issue7
Year 2019-20
- Aishwarya, N., Ruth, D. (2020).Comparison of the Narrative Comprehension and Inference Making Ability in Native Tamil Speakers in Monolingual and Bilingual Context. Journal of Research in Childhood Education
- Laxshmisree, R., Usha, D., & Arulmurugan, K. (2020). Profile of Syntactic and Semantic Diversity in Story Retelling and Self Narrative in Native Tamil Speaking Urban Primary School Children. International Journal of Health Science and Research, Pg 175-181, Volume 10 (9).
- Kumar, J., Thirunavukkarasu, K., Kumar, P., Barman, A.(2019). Effects of Variation in Response Filter on Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials: A Preliminary Investigation, Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, Pg.79-84, 33
Year 2018-19
- Ruth, D., Julie, S., Preethy Susan, R., & Priyankaa, A (2019). Importance of play in the development of language and social skills-A case study on twins. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. Pg 338-342, Volume 9 (4)
- Ruth, D., & Vedha Sorubini, A. (2019). Screening for Deviant Voice characteristics in school children. Research and Reviews. A Journal of Health Professions, Pg.59-64, Volume 9(1).
- Preethy Susan, R., & Ruth, D. (2019). Integral stimulation and Gestural Reorganization in the Management of Childhood Apraxia of speech: A Case study. Research and Reviews. A journal for Health Professions,pg 40-44, volume 9(1).
- Kumar, J., Thirunavukkarasu,K., Barman, A. (2018). Optimum Response Filter Setting for Air Conduction induced Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential, Journal of American Academy of Audiology, Pg 1-11, 00:1-11
- Ruth, D., Tychicus, D., & Chitra Rejoy, T. (2018). Awareness of musicians on ear protection and tinnitus- A Preliminary Study. Audiology Research, Pg.9, Volume 8:198.
Year 2017-18
- Preethy, S., & Shanmuga. P. (2017). Pre and Post Treatment Swallowing Profile-A Single Case Study, Asia Pacific Journal of Research Pg88, Vol:I, Issue LV.
- Mariappan, N.K., Rajeswaran, R., & Praveena, J. (2017). Electrically Evoked Auditory Brainstem Response in Complete Cochlear Coverage. Asia Pacific Journal of Research, 98, Vol:I. Issue LV.
- Priyadharshini,D., Ruth, D., & Balambigai, N. (2017). Development of Story Grammar in Five- to Eight-year-old. Asia Pacific Journal of Research
Year 2024
- Adhithy, K., & Samayan, K. (2024). A Subjective Teachers Report on Classroom Listening Environments Using a Tamil Translated Version of the Listening Inventory for Education Revised (L.I.F.E-R). International Journal of Science and Research, 13 (2), 1115- 1121.
- Prasitha, P & Samayan, K. (2024). Feeding and Swallowing difficulties in Infants and Toddlers: A Single Centre study. Current Pediatric Research - Accepted for publication
- Prasitha, P & Aparna, S. (2024). Normative Data for Voice Range Profile (VRP) of young Adults - A Pilot study. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. Vol 14 (3). 230-236.
- Dominic, T., Dhanya, N., & Geetha, A. (2024). Parental awareness about play-based learning and social communication skills in children. Int J Disabil Hum Dev. 23(1):63-70.
- Vijay L, & Ambethkar Suprent (2024). Dysphagia Intervention in Patient with Diffusion Axon Injury with Bilateral Frontal Lobe Contusion: A Case Report.International Journal for MultidiscipilinaryResearch,6,(2):2582-2160
- Vijay L, Shazia, R, Usha, D. (2024). Impact of Lockdown COVID-19 on children with special needs and their Parents at Tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Intellectual Disability,5,(1):2710-3897
- Vijay L, Shazia, R., Samayan, K., Gnanasekaran, T. S., Amritha, K.(2024). Neuro-Regression Assessment: A case report International Journal for MultidiscipilinaryResearch,6,(2):2582-2160
Year 2023
- Ramsankar, S. A., & Samayan, K. (2023). Assessment and Intervention of Speech Sound Disorders in Children with Cerebral Palsy at International Seminar on Dravidian Linguistics Research: Opportunities and Challenges (DraLiR-2023), 14th June 2023, Centre of Advanced Study in Linguistics, Annamalai University, ISBN:978-81-963401-4-8. (Proceedings)
- Gnanasekaran, T. S., Samayan, K., Kumar, J. S., Prabhu, V., Selvarajan, G., & Deepalakshmi, K. (2023). High-Frequency Hearing Sensitivity Level among Young Adults with Insulin-Dependent and Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 13(3), 133-139.
- Aishwarya, N., Samayan, K., & Kannan, S. (2023). Audiological Profiling and Importance of Vestibular Rehabilitation for a Patient with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome: Case Report. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 75(4), 4075-4078.
- Ramsankar, S. A., & Samayan, K. (2023). Phonological Processes in 2.6 to 3.5 years old Telugu-Tamil Bilingual Children at International Seminar on Dravidian Linguistics Research: Opportunities and Challenges (DraLiR-2023), 14th June 2023,Centre of Advanced Study in Linguistics, Annamalai University, ISBN: 978-81-963401-4-8. (Proceedings)
- Praveena J. & Priya, V.C.S (2023). Evaluation of Benefit of Hearing aid using Paired words in Tamil. Audiology and Speech Research, 19(3), 190-200.
- Nair, A.R., Geetha, A. (2023) Awareness, Knowledge, and Attitude about Sensory Processing and Its Disorders: An online survey among Student Speech-Language Pathologists. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health;19(2):152-160
- Aishwarya, N., Kalyani, K.S., and Geetha, A. Use of ICF-CY in speech and language assessment for a child with congenital visual impairment: a single case study. Int J Disabil Hum Dev; 22(3):309-315.
- Nivetha, S., Geetha, A., and Ulaghanathan, N. (2023) Development and Validation of Oro-Motor Sensory Training Module for Feeding Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health; 19(2):178-183.
- Aaruni, V.T., Geetha, A., and Savitha, V.H. (2023). Comparison of language sample analysis through tele-mode sampling versus in-person mode sampling. Int J Disabil Hum Dev; 23(1):55-62.
- Arathi, VCS., Geetha, A., and Ulaghanathan, N. Normative Data of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in Tamil Speaking Adults. Neurology India [In Press; Accepted on September 19, 2023].
- Gnanasekaran, T. S., Samayan, K., Kumar, J. S., Prabhu, V., Selvarajan, G., & Deepalakshmi, K. (2023). High-Frequency Hearing Sensitivity Level among Young Adults with Insulin-Dependent and Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 13(3), 133-139.
- Ruba, S., Prabhu, S., & Samayan, K. (2023). Types of Code-switching among Young Adults with Bilingualism. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 15(3), 1-10.
- Ruba, S., & Panda, M. R. (2023). Short-Term and Long-Term Stability of Medial Olivocochlear Reflex in Adults with Typical Hearing. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 1-4.
- Ruba, S., Prabhu, S., & Samayan, K. (2023). Types of Code-switching among Young Adults with Bilingualism. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 15(3).
- Pranesh, R., & Samayan, K. (2023). Occupational Stress among Audiologists in Karnataka Region - Gender Based Study International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 12 (55), 710-713.
- Aishwarya N, Sivaranjani G, Usha Dalvi A 2023 Study of Semantic and Syntactic Aspects in L2 of Bilingual Primary School Children.
- Gnanasekaran, T. S., Kala Samayan , Kumar JS, Venkataraman Prabhu, Selvarajan G , Muthukumaran G , Ambethkar Suprent , Deepalakshmi K (2023). High-Frequency Hearing Sensitivity Level among Young Adults with Insulin-Dependent and Non-Insulin-Dependent
Year 2022
- Samayan, K., & Elanthendral, C. (2022). Understanding Parental Perspectives on Speech-language Therapy Through Hybrid Telepractice Service Delivery During Covid-19, 9 (11), 1241-1252.
- Gnanasekaran, T. S., Samayan, K., Kumar, J. S., Venkataraman, P., & Ambethkar, S. (2022). Effect of HbA1c Level on Hearing Sensitivity Among Patients with Diabetic Mellitus. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, 15(4), 1873-1879.
- Ambethkar. S, Muthukumaran G, Gnanasekaran, T. S., &Vishnuram B (2022). Impact of Speech Intelligibility in Various Phases of Dysphagia Secondary to Cerbro Vascular Accident (Cva). International journal of Scientific research. Vol 11-07. DOI: 10.36106/ijsr.
- Sheena, B. Bency Mary, V. A. Aswin, & Ambethkar Suprent (2022) . Variation of Harmonics to Noise Ratio from the Age Range of 9–18 Years Old in both the Genders. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. Volume 74, pages 5518-5523.
- Ilakkiya Thangaraj, Ambethkar Suprent, & Kiruthika Nagarajan (2021). Melas Syndrome – A Case Study. Journal Of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary. Volume 9, Issue 3
- Parkavi, P., & Ramsankar, S. A. R. (2022). Automated Analysis of Phonoarticulatory Diadochokinesis in Tamil Speakers. Journal of voice: official journal of the Voice Foundation, S0892-1997(22)00359-9. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2022.11.007
- Grishma Shrestha, Ruth Deborah D, & Navitha Ulaganathan (2022): Effects of Vocal Loading task on Teachers’ voice: Measures of Acoustical, Aerodynamic and Self-Perceptual Vocal Parameters esearch & Reviews A Journal of Health Professions
- Thirunavukkarasu, K., Renifa J, J. M., & Ramsankar, S. A. (2022). Outcomes of cVEMP and oVEMP in Individuals with Tinnitus and Normal Hearing. The international tinnitus journal, 26(2), 133–138. https://doi.org/10.5935/0946-5448.20220021
- Jeeno, B.J., Ramsankar, S.A., & Thirunavukkarasu, K. (2022). Community -Based Hearing Rehabilitation of Audiologists- A Survey Study. International Journal of Science and Research, 11(8), 1239-1247. https://doi.org/ 10.21275/SR22823110219
- Thirunavukkarasu, K., Padmanaban, J., & Ramsankar, S. A. (2022). Five Years Prevalence of Vestibular Disorders, As seen in a Tertiary Care hospital. EPRA international journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 8(10), 303–311. https://doi.org/10.36713/epra11626
- Dhanesh, R., & Praveena, J. (2022). Optimum Response of Air-conduction Induced Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential in Drivers. Indian journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 26(1), 16–20. https://doi.org/10.4103/ijoem.ijoem_287_21
- Abraham, E.A., & Geetha, A. (2022). Acoustical and Perceptual Analysis of Voice in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg; 75:427-432.
- Sivagnanapandian, D., Preethi, S., & Selvaraj, J. L. (2022). Development of Bedside Aphasia Battery in Tamil (BAB-T). Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 25(6), 1138-1146
- G. Tamil Selvan, Kala Samayan, J.S. Kumar, P. Venkataraman, G. Muthukumaran, S. Ambethkar & D. Balakrishnan (2022). Effect of HbA1c Level on Hearing Sensitivity Among Patients with Diabetic Mellitus. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, Vol. 15(4), p. 1873-1879
- Tamil selvan G., Muthukumaran, G., & Vishnuram, B. International Journal of Scientific Research. Speech & Hearing Volume - 11 | Issue - 07 | July - 2022
- Priyadharisini, K., Nalluru, S., & Vyshnavi, S. (2022). Speech Perception in abilities in Tamil English Bilingual Adults. ISAM journal- The Indian Journal of Audiology. (12-14). ISSN No: 2230-8608.
- Priyadharisini, K., Vyshnavi, S., & Nalluru, S. (2022). Temporal processing abilities in Tamil Monolingual and Tamil- English bilingual Adults- A comparative study. ISAM journal- The Indian Journal of Audiology. (40-42). ISSN No: 2230-8608.
- Priyadharisini, K., Rout, N., & Paulraj, V., Auditory Dys-synchrony: cases where hearing aids fail. ISAM journal- The Indian Journal of Audiology. (06-11) ISSN No: 2230-8608.
- Priyadharisini, K., Rout, N., & Paulraj, V., Auditory Dys-synchrony: cases where hearing aids fail. ISAM journal- The Indian Journal of Audiology. (06-11) ISSN No: 2230-8608.
- Elanthendral, C., & Kala Samayan. Understanding Parental Perspectives on Speech-Language Therapy through Hybrid Telepractice Service Delivery during COVID-19., GIS science journal., Vol 9, Issue 11, November 2022.
- Navitha, U., Prabhu, S., & Ruba, S. (2022). Effect of group intervention focusing on social emotional thinking skills in children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) - A Case series. International Journal of Sciences and Applied Research. Vol 9(5). 79-88.
- Introducing telepractice for Parkinson’s disease – deciphering the ease and hurdle – a single case report; Elanthendral C, Sivamani J; Vyshnavi S; Language in India, ISSN 1930-2940 May 2022
- Susan Reni, P., S. Kalyani, K., Nagarajan, A., & Senthilnathan, K. (2022). Management of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder using Picture Exchange Communication System - A Pilot Study. Indian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 25(02), 93–99. https://doi.org/10.55229/ijbs.v25i2.04
Year 2021
- Samayan, K. (2021). A Study on Phonological Processes in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. GIS Science Journal, 8 (6), 781-800.
- Samayan, K., & Elanthendral C. (2021). Duration Related Characteristics of Bengali and Tamil Vowels in Varying Speaking Rate, 8 (8), 543-567.
- Samayan, K., Elanthendral, C., & Hui, A. (2021) Frequency characteristics of Bengali and Tamil vowels in varying speaking rate. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 7 (8), 199-208.
- Samayan, K. (Co-authored) High Support Need: Parents Need, Indian Edition Published by NIEPMD. Copyright © 2020, ISBN: 978 -81-945768-5-3. (Book)
- Samayan, K. Guide for Cerebral Palsy- Promoting Participation Across Environment, Chapter 2- Sensory Assessment –Functional hearing assessment, Indian Edition Published by NIEPMD. Copyright © 2021, ISBN: 978-81-950876-7-9(Book Chapter).
- Samayan, K. Guide for Cerebral Palsy- Promoting Participation Across Environment, Chapter 3- Speech, Language and Communication assessment, Indian Edition Published by NIEPMD. Copyright © 2021, ISBN: 978-81-950876-7-9(Book Chapter).
- Samayan, K. Guide for Cerebral Palsy- Promoting Participation Across Environment, Chapter 4- Intervention, AAC, Indian Edition Published by NIEPMD. Copyright © 2021, ISBN: 978-81-950876-7-9(Book Chapter).
- Samayan, K. Reference Manual on Autism Spectrum Disorder, Indian Edition Published by NIEPMD. Copyright © 2021, ISBN: 978-81-950876-3-1-Chapter 3- Assessment and Diagnosis-Speech, Language and Communication (Book Chapter)
- Prabhu, S., Ruba, S., & Samayan, K. (2021). A Study on Pattern of Code Mixing In A Sequential Bilingual Young Adults. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), 7(10), 188-192.
- Prasitha, P., Anusuya, M, RamKarthik, M & Kanagaraj, T. (2021). Lexical Ambiguity in Sentence Processing in Monolingual and Bilingual School going children. GIS Science Journal. Vol 8 (11). 573-586.
- Prasitha, P & Prema, K.S. (2021). Specific Language Impairment: Development of Morphosyntax in Kannada. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. Volume 11, Issue 4, 245-258.
- N. Aishwarya & D. Ruth Deborah (2021) Comparison of Narrative Comprehension and Inference-Making Ability in Native Tamil Speakers in Monolingual and Bilingual Context, Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 35:4, 616-630, DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2020.1810181
- Sivagnanapandian, D., & Raju, H. (2021). Parent’s perception on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A focus group discussion study. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development-JCLAD, 9(4), 362-384
- Saravanakumar, P. L., & Sivagnanapandian, D. (2021). Cognitive communication skills in children with Intellectual Developmental Disorder. International Journal of Indian Psychȯlogy, 9(2), 1388-1399
- Thanikaiarasu, P., Ravirose, U., Prabhu, P. (2021). Evaluation of Temporal Resolution Around the Tinnitus Frequency in Adults with Tonal Tinnitus. In: Singh, M., Rafat, Y. (eds) Recent Developments in Acoustics. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5776-7_5
- Chinnaraj, G., Neelamegarajan, D., Ravirose, U. (2021). Development, Standardization, and Validation of Bisyllabic Phonemically Balanced Tamil Word Test in Quiet and Noise. Journal of Hearing Science, 11(4), 42-47. https://doi.org/10.17430/JHS.2021.11.4.5
- Duration related characteristics of Bengali and Tamil vowels in varying speaking rate; Kala samayan, Elanthendral C & Anamika das3; GIS science journal, volume 8, August 2021
- Frequency characteristics of Bengali and Tamil vowels in varying speaking rate, Kala samayan1, Elanthendral C2 and Anamika das3International Journal of Multidisciplinary research; volume 7, August 2021
- Outcomes of desensitization therapy in hyperacusis: a single case report; Elanthendral Chandrasekar*; Saranyaa Gunalan; Deepika Jayachandran; Priyanka Sivakumar; Open journal of clinical and medical case reports, vol 7, issue 12, May 2021
- Ramamoorthy S, Umashankar A, Dhandayuthan S, Lydia Selvaraj J. Frequency characteristic in children using cochlear implant:A comparison with normal hearing peers. J Int Adv otol,2021; 17(5):393-399 DOI:10.5152/iao.2021.9171
- Ramamoorthy.S, Umashankar A, Lydia Selvaraj J. Severe dysarthria due to hyponatremia and extrapontine demyelination: A single case study. J hear sci 2021;11(2)71-74. DOI: 10.17430/JHS.2021.11.2.8
- Umashankar A, Dhandayutham S, Ramamoorthy S, Selvaraj JL. Frequency Characteristics in Children Using Cochlear Implant: A Comparison With Normal Hearing Peers. J Int Adv Otol. 2021 Sep;17(5):393-399. doi: 10.5152/iao.2021.9171. PMID: 34617888; PMCID: PMC8975418.
Year 2020
- Varsha, N.S., Sowmiya R., Prasitha P., & Praveena J. (2020). Prevalence of Speech Language and Hearing Impairment in School Going Children of Rural Area: A Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 7(10), 4043-4047.
- Bhuvaneshwari, R & Praveena, J. (2020). Utility of BC ABR in craniofacial Anomaly – Case Studies. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 7(3), 464- 469. http://ijrar.org/viewfull.php?&p_id=IJRAR19L1815
- Ranjith. R., Oviya Kalai., Deepika.J., Pachaiappan,C., Ganesan, S., & Sivagnanapandian, D .(2020) Profiling Long-term Outcomes in children with Auditory Brainstem Implant. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 9(12), 854-860
- Ravirose., U., Neelamegarajan., D. (2020). Comparison of Temporal and Envelope Cues in Hearing Aids: Use of Malayalam Language Chimeric Sentences and Two Compression Strategies. Journal of Hearing Science, 10(1), 33-40. https://doi.org/10.17430/JHS.2020.10.1.4
Year 2019
- Samayan , K Communication skills of children with ASD in Mainstream School- Teachers Perspectives in National Conference on Road Map for Inclusive Society for Persons with Special Needs, 2019, ISBN: 9-788193-645949 at Aaaduraa Special School, Kanchipuram. (Abstract)
- Ruth Deborah. D, Vedha Sorubini.K. (2019). Screening for deviant voice characteristics in school children. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Health professions. Vol 9, Issue 1,59-64.
- Ruth Deborah.D, Julie, S., Preethy Susan Reni & Priyankaa A. (2019). Importance of play in the development of language and social skills-A case study on twins. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol 9, Issue 4
- Preethy Susan Reni, Ruth Deborah D (2019). Integral stimulation and Gestural Reorganization in the Management of Childhood Apraxia of speech: A Case study. Research and Reviews. A Journal for Health Professions.: Volume 9 Issue 1,40-44
- Singh, N. K., Thirunavukkarasu, K., & Barman, A. (2019). Optimum Response Filter Setting for Air Conduction-Induced Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 30(9), 753–763. https://doi.org/10.3766/jaaa.17098
- Singh, N. K., Thirunavukkarasu, K., Barman, A., Kumar, P. (2019). Effect of Variation in Response Filter on Ocular vestibular Evoked myogenic Potentials: A Preliminary Investigation. Journal of Indian Speech Language & Hearing Association, 33(2), 79–84. https://doi.org/ 10.4103/jisha.JISHA_1_19
- Sivagnanapandian, D., & Ganesan S (2019). Rehabilitation of Swallowing and Voice in Medial Medullary Infarct- A Case Study. International Journal of Scientific Research, 8(6), 35-37
- Devi, N.; Jayaram, M. T.; Udhayakumar, R.. Questionnaire on the “Knowledge and Use of Ear Molds” by the Hearing Aid Users. Annals of Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 3(1):p 26-30, Jan–Jun 2019. | DOI: 10.4103/aiao.aiao_27_18
- Ravirose U, Thanikaiarasu P, Prabhu P. Evaluation of Differential Sensitivity for Frequency, Intensity, and Duration around the Tinnitus Frequency in Adults with Tonal Tinnitus. J Int Adv Otol. 2019 Aug;15(2):253-256. doi: 10.5152/iao.2019.6698. PMID: 31418714; PMCID: PMC6750796.
Year 2018
- Samayan, K. (2018). Parental Perspectives on Effective Inclusion of Children with Hearing Impairment-A Study. Journal of National Convention of Educators of the Deaf (JNCED), 10 (1), 47 - 52.
- Ruth Deborah D>, Tychicus D., Chitra Rejoy T., (2018). Awareness of musicians on ear protection and tinnitus- A Preliminary Study. Audiology Research, Pg.9, Volume 8:198.
- Sivagnanapandian, D. (2018) Management of Oro Pharyngeal Dysphagia secondary to surgical excision of Vestibular Schwannoma- A Single Case Study.Global Journal for Research Analysis, 7 (5), 114-116
Year 2017
- Palani, A., & Samayan, K. (2017). Teaching Story to Children with High Functioning Autism: Effect on the Development of a Theory of Mind. International Journal of Current Advanced Research. 6 (1), 1756-1758
- Palani, A., & Samayan, K. (2017). An Effective Facilitation of Semantic to Syntax Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Using AAC-Case Studies. International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research, 4 (2), 2256-2259.
- Narendra Kumar, M., Rajith, R., & Praveena, J. (2017). Electrically Evoked Auditory Brainstem response in complete cochlear coverage. Asia Pacific Journal of Research, 11 (IV).
- Harish, K. G., Joyanta, C. M., Sinha, A. K., Karba. S., Priyadarshini. K. (2017). A study of change in nasalance scores - pre-fitting and post fitting of hearing aids in adults with sensorineural hearing loss. Asia Pacific Journal of Research. Sep; LV (I).
Year 2016
- Akhila, P., & Samayan, K. (2016). Phonological Awareness and Orthographic Skills-A Comparative Study between Typically Developing Vs Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Tamil Speaking Children. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, 3(7), 114-121.
- Samayan, K., (2016) Challenging Behaviours in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Parental Reports. International journal of recent research and applied studies 3 (10), 21 to 27.
- Samayan, K., & Raja, L. R. (2016). Phonological processes of 2.6 to 6 years old typically developing Tamil speaking children. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies, 3(5), 199-204.
- Samayan, K., & Raja, R. L. (2016). Phonological Processes in Tamil Speaking Children with Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies. 3 (7), 44-55.
- Kamaraj P, & Rout N. (2016). "Developing Communication- An Activity Book" (2). NIEPMD. India. ISBN : 978-81-928032-4-1.
Year 2015
- Samayan, K., Dhanavendan, K., & Nachiketa, R. (2015). Allied health professionals' perceptions of the role of sensory integration therapy in managing challenging behaviours. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 22(4), 167-172.
- Kunju, D., Chandramohan, N & Samayan, K (2015) Effectiveness of concept tree to teach children with multiple disabilities. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, 3 (7), 163 - 173.
- Samayan, K., Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Multiple Disabilities: A Parent Perspective in International Conference on Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities, 2014, 59-60, ISBN: 978-81-928032-27 at VigyanBhavan, New Delhi(Abstract)
- Samayan, K., Challenging Behaviors in Children with ASD- Parental Reports in International Conference on Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities, 2014, 59-60, ISBN: 978-81-928032-27 at VigyanBhavan, New Delhi(Abstract)
- Samayan, K., & Palani, A (2015). A comparative study of phonological processes in Tamil Speaking typically developing vs ADHD children. 3 (9), 55 to 66.
- Praveena, J. & Krishna, Y. (2015). Identifying Speaker from Disguised Speech Using Aural Perception and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 29 (2), 28-34. doi: 10.4103/0974-2131.185974
- Praveena, J., Prakash, H., & Rukmangathan, T. M. (2014). Language Outcomes Using Hearing Aids in Children with Auditory Dys-Synchrony. Audiology Research, 4(1), 80. https://doi.org/10.4081/audiores.2014.80
- Praveena, J., Hari Prakash. P., Rukmangathan. T. M. (2014). Auditory Neuropathy: Better Language outcome in small study. The Hearing Journal, 67 (11), 29-30. DOI: 10.1097/01.HJ.0000457009.79060.0f
- Thirunavukkarasu, K., & Geetha, C. (2015). One-year prevalence and risk factors of tinnitus in children with otological problems. The international tinnitus journal, 19(2), 33–38. https://doi.org/10.5935/0946-5448.20150006
Year 2013
- Thirunavukkarasu, K., & Geetha, C. (2013). One-year prevalence and risk factors of tinnitus in older individuals with otological problems. The international tinnitus journal, 18(2), 175–181. https://doi.org/10.5935/0946-5448.20130023
Year 2011
- Palani, A., & Samayan, K. Recognition of Rhyming & Non-Rhyming Skills in Young Adults with Down Syndrome Vs Typically Developing Children in New Perspectives in Applied Linguistics at UGC SAP-CAS-IV-2011-12, Annamalai University. (Proceedings)
- Palani, A., & Samayan, K. A study on Phonological Awareness Skills in Typically Developing Vs Learning Disabled Native Tamil Speakers in New Perspectives in Applied Linguistics at UGC SAP-CAS-IV-2011-12, Annamalai University. (Proceedings)
- Samayan, K., & Palani, A. A Comparative Study of Phonological Processes in Tamil Speaking Typically Developing Vs ADHD Children in Applied Linguistics at UGC SAP-CAS-IV-2011-12, Annamalai University. (Proceedings)
Year 2010
- Venkatesh, L., Ramsankar, S., Nagaraja M.N., & Pushpa, S. (2010). Phonological processes in typically developing Tamil speaking children and Tamil-Telugu bilingual children. Journal of Indian Speech and Hearing Association, 24(2), 121-133.
Scope of Services
- Hand Surgery
- Micro Vascular Surgery
- Burns
- Oncoplastic Surgery [ Cancer Reconstruction ]
- 24x7 Trauma care
- Cleft lip, Cleft palate & craniofacial anomaly Surgery
- Lymphedema care
- Complex wound management
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Smile Train Project
- Facio Maxillary Trauma
Achievements and Awards
Hemlin Antony (Batch 2017-2021)
As a former student in the Bachelor of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (BASLP) program at SRM Medical College, I can confidently say that my time in the department was nothing short of transformation. The faculty's dedication to academic excellence and their unwavering support fostered an environment where learning thrived. The hands-on experience provided through clinical rotations equipped me with the skills and confidence needed to excel in my career. I am grateful for the opportunities and knowledge gained during my time at SRM Medical College,
R Premitha (Batch 2018- 2022)
I am proud to say that I am a graduate of the Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, hereby I thank all my faculties for their constant motivation and support. They rooted me with strong confidence and determination which helped me start my clinic immediately after graduating. Studying here gave me the best knowledge and clinical exposure to a variety of cases
Vishnu Ram (Batch 2014-2018)
Attending the SRM dept of ASLP has been an incredible journey that has shaped not only my academic path but also my personal growth. The faculty's dedication to excellence and their unwavering support have empowered me to achieve my goals and exceed my expectations. The vibrant campus culture and diverse community have provided me with invaluable experiences and lifelong friendships. I am grateful for the opportunities and memories I have gained at Dept of ASLP 2014-2018, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a transformative college experience.
Infant Leslie Antioch A (Barch 2013-17)
I have earned a Bachelor's in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology from SRM Institute of Science and Technology (2013-2017). SRMIST offers top-notch education with excellent faculty and infrastructure. Currently, as a Senior Consultant Speech Language Pathologist, I've worked in various clinics and therapy centers across Chennai, benefiting from SRMIST's strong foundation. Grateful to the university.
"My journey at SRM University's Department of Audiology & Speech Language Pathology was transformative. Through SRM's guidance, I ventured into a fulfilling career, founding RAIN TRUST NGO, honored with awards for social welfare. I also established WILLOW, a thriving Child Development Center & Rehab facility, specializing in supporting autistic children. SRM not only provided academic knowledge but also shaped my purpose in life. Grateful for the institution's role in my journey.