About Us
- The Department of General Surgery was established in the year 2005. The General Surgery department specializes in diagnosing and treating a wide array of surgical diseases and disorders with compassionate patient care. The Department of General Surgery also provides MS General Surgery courses to the PG Students.
- The Department of General Surgery performs routinely Basic and Advanced Laparoscopic procedures, Bariatric Procedures, Endoscopic Thyroid and Endocrine surgeries, Upper GI and Colorectal surgeries.
- Minimal invasive proctology Procedures (VAAFT – Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment), Laser procedures, Fundoplication, Splenectomy in addition to providing a round the clock Tertiary Trauma Care.
- The Department takes pride in having a fully equipped Operation theatre with the latest endoscopic and HD laparoscopic equipment with capabilities of performing specialized diagnostic and advanced minimally invasive therapeutic procedures providing world-class surgical care to our patients.
- Regularly updated surgical knowledge and skills, practising new technologies in the surgical world intellectually stimulating environment.Regular clinical research and audit for total transparency.
- PG Eligibility : Pass In MBBS or its Equivalent Degree recognized by NMC (Canditates completing the CRRI / CRMI on or before 31st March of the Year) NEET PG score as prescribed by NMC.

Our Vision
- To be the department that sets a benchmark for educating medical students, clinical researchers, and faculties to be the leaders in creating a healthier better world
- To promote an evidence-based holistic approach to surgical healthcare
- To meet the health needs of the people in an ethical and financially responsible manner

Our Mission
- To render excellent education to students of the medical field, para-medical field with a blend of traditional and advanced technology
- To improve the lives of communities we serve through excellence in learning and healing with compassionate care
- To deliver accessible health services to all in need of care with compassion regardless of status or ability to pay
- To enrich learning, embrace change, create innovation and health tackle the most complicated vexing challenges in healthcare
- Demonstration Rooms
Demonstration rooms of 1052 square feet each with a seating capacity of 30 each, equipped with trailblazing Audio-Visual aids.
- Seminar Hall
- Museum
- General Surgery Outpatient Department
- Out Patient Department
- Departmental Library
- Endo Trainer Room
- Operation Theatre
- Endoscopy
- Department Infrastructure for Teaching
- Flipped classroom - Small group teaching with prior study material
- Simulation-based teaching: Mannequins and computer-assisted learning
- Integrated Teaching - Vertical and Horizontal Teaching for MBBS Students
- Group discussions - Regularly
- Journal clubs and Seminars for PGs - Twice in a week
- Video demonstrations - Journal Club – Discussion
- Mentoring - Group of students assigned for all the faculties
- Feedback and counseling - After every internal assessment test
Sl. No | Faculty Name | Publication in Vancouver referencing style. |
1 | Dr. R. Jai Vinod Kumar | Kumar NS, Kumar RJ. factors affecting conversion of laparoscopic appendectomy to open surgery in a tertiary hospital in south India: a prospective study. IJSS Journal of Surgery. 2016 Apr 30;2(2):1-4. |
2 | Dr. R. Jai Vinod Kumar | "Kumar NS, Kumar RJ, Murugan A. Gastric outlet obstruction in proton pump inhibitor era: a prospective study of fifty cases in tertiary hospital in South India. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2016 Jan 21;5(6):305-9. Jai Vinod Kumar, Chella Teja,. Study on Ripasa Scoring System in Predicting Acute Appendicitis IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 19, Issue 3 Ver. VII (March. 2020), PP 35-45." |
3 | Dr. R. Jai Vinod Kumar | R.Jai Vinod Kumar, Dr.N.Suresh kumar, Dr.Justine Samuel Johny. (n.d.). Prospective Study of Calculous Cholecystitis. OSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS). |
4 | Dr. R. Jai Vinod Kumar | R.Jai Vinod kumar, 1 Dr.Sathyaseelan, 2 Dr.Jeyakumar. Foam Dressings in the Topical Management of Diabetic Foot. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) |
5 | Dr. R. Jai Vinod Kumar | R. Jai Vinod Kumar DJP. A Prospective Study on Carcinoma Stomach. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS); |
6 | Dr. R. Balamurugan | Venugopal A, Balamurugan R, Athira Gopinathan D. A Study On Utility Of A Predictive Score In The Pre-Operative Prediction Of Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. 2021 Apr 30:17798-807. |
7 | Dr. R. Balamurugan | Subbiah TS, Gopinathan A, Ramachandran B. Comparison of Blunt Abdominal Trauma Scoring System (BATSS) versus FAST in assessment of Blunt Trauma Abdomen. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal. 2021 Nov 4;14(4). |
8 | Dr. Balamurugan R | Neethish K Paul, Balamurugan R, Athira Gopinathan, Sivamarieswaran R. Role of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy prior to cholecystectomy to assess the post operative outcome. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Int J.Res.Pharm Sci.,2020 11 (SPL 4), 2488 - 2493 |
9 | Dr. Balamurugan R | Balamurugan R, Ravi P, Shivraj B, Selvapathy B, Yogish V. Blunt injury abdomen causing hollow viscous complete transection: a rare case. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2014 May 5;3(18):4808-15. |
10 | Dr. Balamurugan R | Balamurugan R, Kumar S, Lakshmana R, Prasath SA. Intra-abdominal Organ Injuries in Blunt Injury Abdomen in SRM Medical College, Potheri: A Prospective Study. IJSS Journal of Surgery. 2016 Apr 30;2(2):37-42. |
11 | Dr. R. Balamurugan | Kumar NS, Balamuragan R, Zakkaria M. Factors affecting conversion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open surgery in a tertiary hospital in South India. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2016 Jan 14;5(4):256-62. |
12 | Dr. R. Balamurugan | Vittal V, Balamurugan R, Kumaar GH. Vacuum-assisted Closure in Chronic Nonhealing Ulcers: A Randomized Control Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY. 2016;4(7):152-5. |
13 | Dr. R. Balamurugan | Balamurugan R, Lakshmana R, Prasath SA. Wound Closure Using Adhesive Tapes in SRM Medical College, Potheri: A Case Study. IJSS Journal of Surgery. 2016 Apr 30;2(2):47-52. |
14 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A Single Surgeon's Experience of Total Extra Peritoneal Repair Va Transabdominal Per Peritoneal Repair-A Prospective Cohort Study.Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam1,Koshy mathew panicker2, Jeyakumar sundaraj3, Sidhu Rajasekhar4, Pradeep Joshua Christopher5. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Reasearch;2021 Jan, Vol-15(1);PC05- PC08. |
15 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A Longitudinal Study on Comparison of Haematocrit, Glasgow Score and Computed Tomography Abdomen as Prognostic Markers in Assessment of Severity in Acute Pancreatitis. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam1, Sidhu Rajasekhar2, Jeyakumar Sundaraj3, Koshy Mathew Panicker4, Ramyasree Paladugu5. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Reasearch; 2020Dec, Vol-14(12);PC01-PC04. |
16 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Study on therapeutic effectiveness of laparoscopic drainage and image guided pigtail catheter drainage in the treatment of liver abscess: A randomised controlled trial. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam*, ManimaranPethuraj, Jeyakumar S, PreetamAnguraj. International Surgery Journal; July2019; Vol6;Issue7;2417-2422 |
17 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Comparison of Efficacy of Aginate Filler Dressing with Conventional Saline Dressing for Cavity Wounds in Diabetic Foot Ulcer-A Prospective Cohort Study. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam1, Pradeep Joshua Christopher2, Jeyakumar Sundaraj3, Ramyasree Paladugu4, Sundeep Selvamuthukumaran5.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research; 2020 Nov, Vol-14(11);PC01-PC04. |
18 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A comparative study between onlay and sublaymeshplasty in ventral hernias: a randomized controlled trial. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam, PreethamAnguraj, JeyakumarSundaraj*,ManimaranPethuraj. International Surgery Journal; April2019;Vol 6;Issue4;1264-1268. |
19 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Glue versus suture for mesh fixation in open inguinal hernia repair: JeyakumarS, Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam, Shruthi Chandrasekaran*. International Surgery Journal; April 2018;Vol 5;Issue 4;1443-1448 |
20 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Impact of Timing of Surgery and Routine Biliary Sampling in Acute Calculous Cholecystitis- Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam, Udhayam S, Shruthi Chandrasekar, Manimaran. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences;December2016;Vol.5;Issue 96;;7068-7070. |
21 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Glue versus Staples versus Sutures in Elective Wound Closures: A 3 years Comparative Study- Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam, Shruthi Chandrasekar, JaiVinodkumar, Udhayam- International Journal of Scientific Study;November 2016;Vol.4;Issue8;53-56. |
22 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Impact of Peripheral Neuropathy and Peripheral Vascular Disease in Diabetic Syndrome- C. Tharun Ganapathy, R.Jai Vinod Kumar, Shruthi Chandrasekar. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences; Feb2016;Vol15;Issue2;43-48. |
23 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Case series on variable presentations of tuberculosis of the breast. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam, Jeyakumar Sundaraj, Pradeep Joshua Chistopher, Ramyasree Paladugu. British Medical Journal CaseReports:2020;13;e236019.doi:10.1136/bcr-2020-236019. |
24 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Diagnostic difficulties in obturator hernia: a rare case presentation and review of literature. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam, Pradeep Joshua Christopher, Jeyakumar Sundaraj, Sundeep Selvamuthukumaran. British Medical Journal Case Reports:2020;13;e235644.doi;10.1136/bcr-2020-235644. |
25 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A Giant Retroperitoneal Malignant Mixed Germ Cell Testicular Tumour. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam1, Ramyasree Paladugu2, Jeyakumar Sundaraj3, Koshy Mathew Panicker4, Sundeep Selvamuthukumaran5. J Evolution Med Dent Sci/ eISSN-2278-4802,pISSN-2278-4748 / Vol. 9 / Issue 46 / Nov. 16,2020. |
26 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Torsion Adnexal Mass in a Patient with Mullerian Agenesis. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam1, Ramyashree Paladugu2, Jeyakumar Sundaraj3, Pradeep Joshua Chistopher4, Sundeep Selvamuthukumaran5. J Evolution Med Dent Sci /eISSN-2278-4748 / Vol. 9 /Issue 44 /Nov. 02, 2020. |
27 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A case series on management of scar endometriosis following C – sections. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam, Sidhu Sekhar*, Jeyakumar S., Koshy Mathew Panicker. International Surgery Journal; July 2019;Vol 6;Issue 7;2621-2623. |
28 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A case report of eumycetoma in the thigh: an unusual presentation as a lump. TharunGanapathy Chitrambalam, Sidhu Sekhar*, Koshy Mathew Panicker, JeyakumarSundaraj. International Surgery Journal; August 2019;Vol 6;Issue 8;2988 – 2990. |
29 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | An interesting case of tuberculosis of the thyroid gland. Tharun Ganapathy C.1, Abinayaah Suresh2 *, Sidhu Sekhar1. International surgery Journal; May 2019;Vol;Issue 5;1786-1788. |
30 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Laparoscopic management of cholecystoduodenal fistula : a case report. Tharun Ganapathy C.*, Jeyakumar S, Manimaran P, Sidhu Sekhar. International surgery Journal; November 2018;Vol 5;Issue 11;3744-3746. |
31 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A case report of a liposarcoma mimicking hemangioma. Tharun Ganapathy C., Jeyakuumar.S*, PreethamAnguraj, Sidhu Sekhar. International surgery Journal; December 2018;Vol 5;Issue 12;4071- 4074. |
32 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Perforation of old gastrojejunal anastomotic site presenting as acute abdomen: a case report. Tharun Ganapathy C*, Jeyakumar S, Mainmaran P, Sidhu Sekhar. International Surgery Journal;September 2018;Vol 5;Issue 9;3183-3185. |
33 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | An interesting case of subdiagphragmatic cold abscess: a case report. Tharun Ganapathy C*, Jeyakumar S, Koshy Mathew, Sidhu Sekhar. International SurgeryJournal;September 2018;Vol 5;Issue 9;3175-3176. |
34 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A case of mucinous cystadenoma of appendix. Tharun Ganapathy C*, Shruthi Chandrasekar, Jeyakumar S.International Surgery Journal; November 2017;Vol 4;Issue 11;3768-3769. |
35 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | An unusual presentation of branchial cyst mimicking carotid body tumor. Tharun Ganapathy C1*, Abinayaah Suresh2, Manimaran P1. International Surgery Journal; October 2017;Vol 4;Issue 10;3561-3563. |
36 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Mesenteric Castleman’s Disease Presenting As Sub-Acute Intestinal Obstruction. ACase Report & Review of Literature. *Dr.TharunGanapathy1,Dr.Jeyakumar2,Dr.JaiVinodkumar3,Dr.Udhayam4 IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences(IOSR – JDMS); Volume 16;Issue 8 Ver.VIII (Aug. 2017); 10 -12. |
37 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A Cross Sectional Study on the Anatomical Relationship of Inferior Thyroid Artery with Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve During Thyroidectomy in South Indian Population. Annals of RSCB [Internet]. 2021Jun.10 [cited 2021Dec.15];:18247-55. Dr. Ramya Sree Paladugu, Dr. Tharun Ganapathy Chitrambalam, Dr. Jeyakumar Sundaraj, Dr. Pradeep Joshua Christopher, Dr. Ashwin Kumar C. |
38 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | A Case Series on Epiploic Appendagitis: An Underdog in Acute Abdomen. Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research. 2021 Jun 1;15(6). CHITRAMBALAM TG, CHRISTOPHER PJ, KANTHASAMY S, SUNDARAJ J. |
39 | Dr.Tharun Ganapathy | Chitrambalam TG, Sekhar S, Anguraj P, et al. An Interesting Case of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Presenting as Salivary Gland Tumor. Int J Head Neck Surg 2021;12(2):89–91 |
40 | Dr. Rajswaroob U | Rajswaroob U, Kannan R, Kannan NS, Tirouaroul T. Effectiveness of centchroman on regression of fibroadenosis and mastalgia. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2016 Oct;10(10):PC10. |
41 | Dr. Ashwin Kumar | Dudde P, Thejeswi P, H Prabhu S, B Naik P, Kumar C A. Clinical Profile of Patients Based on Receptor Status in Carcinoma Breast. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016;15(10):08-13. |
42 | Dr. Ashwin Kumar | B Naik P, Shetty S, Bhat M S, Kumar A, Dudde P. Does Type of Dissection for Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue Affect Wound Outcome???. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016;15(09):34-37. |
43 | 44 Dr. R. Sivamarieswaran & Dr. DSA Mahadevan | R., Sivamarieswaran & S.P, Aravindan & D.S.A., Mahadevan & T., Vidyalakshmi. (2021). A Comparison of Hem-o-lok® and ENDOLOOP® for Ligation of Appendicular Stump in Improving Outcomes of Laparoscopic Appendicectomy. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 10. 207-211. 10.14260/jemds/2021/45. |
44 | Dr. R. Lakshmana | Lakshmana R, Dube S, Chintada GR, Dhinesh K. All in one meshplasty verses conventional open meshplasty in inguinal hernia in a tertiary care setup. International Surgery Journal. 2021 Aug 27;8(9):2690-4. |
45 | Dr. R. Lakshmana | Lakshmana R, Ajay Raja R, Abhilash M, The Efficacy of Topical Phenytoin in the management of Grade I and Grade 2 Diabetic Ulcers – A Clinical Research Study. International Medical Journal. 2021 Jul Volume 28, Issue 07 (5259 – 5265). |
46 | Dr. A. Ajay Raja | Ajay Raja A, Lakshmana R, Abhilash M, Govinda Raju Chintada, Jeyakumar S, Pravindhas A, Clinicopathological study and management of Carcinoma of the Breast. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical sciences. IJRPS. 2021 12(2), 1-5. |
47 | Dr. D. Balaji | Ajay Rex R, Balaji D, Lakshmana R, Gopi Ramu and Reka, 2020. A comparative study between vacuum assisted wound closure vs conventional dressing in non-healing ulcers. [online] www.pharmascope.org/ijrps. Available at: <https://pharmascope.org/index.php/ijrps/article/view/4444/12278> [Accessed 16 December 2021]. |
48 | Dr. D. Balaji | Parthiban SS, Durairaj B. A study on association between inguinal hernia and benign prostatic hyperplasia. International Surgery Journal. 2019 May 28;6(6):2065-9. |
49 | Dr. D. Balaji | Chakkarapani R, Durairaj B. Diagnostic accuracy of mammography and ultrasonography for breast diseases. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2018 Jan 29;7(5):592-7. |
51 | Dr. D. Balaji | Balaji D, Prasanth A, Kashyap AR, Musthafa M, Damodaran P. Anastomotic survival despite dual mesenteric arterial thrombosis: a case report. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2016 Aug 25;5(68):4935-7. |
52 | Dr. D. Balaji | Soundrapandian F, Durairaj B, Kashyap AR, Jose R. Strawberry gallbladder: a case report. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2016 Mar 24;5(24):1313-5 |
53 | Dr. D. Balaji | Balaji D, Kashyap AR, Prasanth A, Floret S. Xanthogranulomatous orchitis: an unusual form of testicular abscess. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2016 May 26;5(42):2647-9. |
54 | Dr. D. Balaji | Ajay Rex R, Balaji D*, Lakshmana R, Gopi Ramu, Reka: A comparative study between vacuum assisted wound closure vs conventional dressing in non-healing ulcers. 2021 Dec (SPL4), 2214-2223 |
55 | Dr. Athira Gopinathan | Lakshmana R, Gopinathan A, Kumar GH. Study on Etiopathogenesis and Management of Ileal Perforation in Tertiary Care Hospital in South India. IJSS Journal of Surgery. 2017 Jul 30;3(4):6-9. |
56 | Dr. Athira Gopinathan | Lakshmana R, Sivamarieswaran R, Gopinathan A. A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE OUTCOME OF STAPLER ANASTOMOSIS VS. HAND-SEWN ANASTOMOSIS IN ELECTIVE GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERIES. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2018 May 7;7(19):2303-9. |
57 | Dr. Athira Gopinathan | Venugopal A, Balamurugan R, Athira Gopinathan D. A Study On Utility Of A Predictive Score In The Pre-Operative Prediction Of Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. 2021 Apr 30:17798-807. |
57 | Dr. Athira Gopinathan | Subbiah TS, Gopinathan A, Ramachandran B. Comparison of Blunt Abdominal Trauma Scoring System (BATSS) versus FAST in assessment of Blunt Trauma Abdomen. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal. 2021 Nov 4;14(4). |
59 | Dr. Athira Gopinathan | Neethish K Paul, Balamurugan R, Athira Gopinathan, Sivamarieswaran R. Role of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy prior to cholecystectomy to assess the post operative outcome. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Int J.Res.Pharm Sci.,2020 11 (SPL 4), 2488 - 2493 |
60 | Dr Vikram Yogish | Vikram Yogish, P.S. Venkateswaran, C.Rajkamal. A Study of The Causes of Cervical Lymphadenopathy in the General Population between the Age Group of 20 yrs to 70 yrs attending the Surgical department in a Tertiary Hospital: A Research Article. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol.4, Issue85, October 22; Page: 14852-14862, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2015/2112. |
61 | Dr. Vikram Yogish | Vikram Yogish et al. A Study of Blunt Injury Abdomen in Patients Attending the Emergency Department in a Tertiary Hospital. Int Surg J. 2016 Feb; 3(1):153-157. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20160217 |
62 | Dr. Vikram Yogish | Vikram Yogish et al. A study to determine the incidence of carcinoma of the thyroid gland in patients treated for multinodular goiter. Int Surg J. 2019 Sep;6(9):3289-3292. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20194067 |
63 | Dr. Vikram Yogish | Vikram Yogish et al. A study on the surgical management of abdominal tuberculosis in patients attending a tertiary hospital. Int Surg J. 2020 Jun;7(6):1813-1816. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/23492902.isj20202387 |
64 | Dr. Vikram Yogish | Vikram Yogish, Himanshi Grover, Sunu Ancy Joseph. The clinical presentation and surgical management of patients with carcinoma stomach. J Surg Sciences:2020; 7(2):62-65. |
65 | Dr. Vikram Yogish | Yogish V, Joseph SA, Bharath V. A clinical study of liver abscess in patients attending the surgical department. A single center experience. J Surg Arts: 2021;14(1):7-10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14717/jsurgarts-210102. |
66 | Dr. Vikram Yogish | Yogish V,ArockiyasekarS, Avirmeni A. A clinical study of varicose veins and their management in patients attending the surgical department of a tertiary hospital. J Surg Arts 2021;14(2):65-68. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14717/jsurgarts-210203. |
67 | Dr.Ashwin Kumar C | Clinical Profile of Patients Based on Receptor Status in Carcinoma Breast Dudde P, Thejeswi P, H Prabhu S, B Naik P, Kumar C A. Clinical Profile of Patients Based on Receptor Status in Carcinoma Breast. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016;15(10):08-13. |
68 | Dr.Ashwin Kumar C | Does Type of Dissection for Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue Affect Wound Outcome? B Naik P, Shetty S, Bhat M S, Kumar A, Dudde P. Does Type of Dissection for Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue Affect Wound Outcome???. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016;15(09):34-37. |
69 | Dr.Ashwin Kumar C | PECOMA - A Histological Surprise Kumar A, Pai M, D Lobo F. PECOMA - A Histological Surprise. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). 2015;4(2). |
70 | Dr.Ashwin Kumar C | Factors affecting postoperative ileus in GI surgery and developing a scoring system to predict prolonged postoperative ileus Kumar, A., Rao, H. and Prasad, K. |
71 | Dr.M.H.ABDUL RAHMAN | Rahman A,Akhil A, Yogish V, Sivarajan N, Grover H, Wasim M, Kamalakhannan C, Comparison between Dual Layer Intraperitoneal Mesh and Single Layer Mesh for Laparoscopic Ventral and Incisional Hernia Repair. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2021 Jun 21;10(25):1871-6. |
Scope of Services
- Hand Surgery
- Micro Vascular Surgery
- Burns
- Oncoplastic Surgery [ Cancer Reconstruction ]
- 24x7 Trauma care
- Cleft lip, Cleft palate & craniofacial anomaly Surgery
- Lymphedema care
- Complex wound management
- Aesthetic Surgery
- Smile Train Project
- Facio Maxillary Trauma
Achievements and Awards
Year of award | Faculty Name & Designation | Name of the award |
2020 | Dr.Velineni Bharath | Dr C Palanivelu Best post Graduate Paper Award – 1st prize 80th Annual Conference of ASI (Association of Surgeons of India) Virtual ASICON -2020 |
2020 | Dr.Velineni Bharath | Best poster Award – 1st prize 80th Annual Conference of ASI (Association of Surgeons of India) Virtual ASICON -2020 |
2021 | Dr.Velineni Bharath | Best paper Award – 2nd Prize 81st Annual Conference of ASI (Association of Surgeons of India) Virtual ASICON -2021 |
2021 | Dr.Velineni Bharath | Best Research Paper Award – 3rd Prize 81st Annual Conference of ASI (Association of Surgeons of India) Virtual ASICON -2021 |
2021 | Dr.Pradeep Joshua | Gold Medal MS General Surgery - 2021 |
2019 | Dr.Ramyasree | 2nd Prize - An interesting case of torsion adnexal mass in a patient with Mullerian agenesis – ASICON 2019, Bhubaneshwar |
2021 | Dr.S.Sundeep | 3 rd Prize 81st Annual Conference of ASI (Association of Surgeons of India) Virtual ASICON -2021 |
Dr. K. Srinidhi
Regarding the Department and the H.O.D. of General Surgery, He is a very kind and competent person who encouraged and supported me during the hard times. He is also very skilled and highly knowledgeable
Dr. Sunu Ancy Joseph
Regarding the Department and the H.O.D. of General Surgery, He has took forward the General Surgery Department for example Simulation Lab (Laparoscopy Hands on Training) in the General Surgery Department which is helpful for the Post Graduates and for the Senior Residents.
Dr. M. Reegan Jose
I am very happy to work in this Department and also I am very grateful to work under the HOD (Dr Jai Vinod Kumar). Under his guidance I got the appreciation letter from the Administration.